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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Johnson, Roger & Pat Amway

 My thoughts and emotions were really etched with the 'I believe in you' ethos that they shown to us.

"It took six years from the time our sponsors initially approached us until we were able to get started," explains Roger Johnson. 

"On a scale of one to 10, ours was a one on the interest scale." 

In Pat's words, "neither of us had a vision for what this business may achieve for us in the future." 

"We were both self-conscious about our appearance, but we also desired financial independence. 

We signed up when Jim and Nancy Dornan required one more associate to compete for a contest, thinking that we would just be purchasing things at wholesale prices. 

That seemingly inconsequential decision turned out to be the most important decision of our lives." 

Roger worked in the life insurance industry at the time, and she was a first-grade teacher at the time. 

""If a person has never had somebody believe in them before," says Pat, "they should definitely consider getting into our profession." 

We've been fortunate enough to be affiliated with the Network TwentyOne founders from the very beginning of the company. 

The 'I believe in you' spirit that they shown to us left a lasting impression on my mind and heart. It sparked an interest in me to pursue other interests in my life. 

There is no higher sense of accomplishment than knowing that you have had a positive and productive impact on someone."

Johnson, Roger, and Pat are a successful team of Amway distributors that have achieved tremendous success inside the Amway industry. Johnson, Roger, and Pat have worked together to accomplish this level of success. They are well-known for their leadership abilities, devotion to personal growth, and dedication to assisting others in achieving their objectives.

The Johnsons' career in the Amway industry began in the late 1970s when a mutual acquaintance informed them about the opportunity to become distributors for the company. They were blown away by the high caliber of the products the firm offered as well as the numerous ways in which they might boost their current income with the Amway business opportunity. They felt enthused about the company in a short amount of time and immediately got to work in order to establish their own prosperous Amway business.

The importance that Roger and Pat have on personal growth has been one of the factors that has contributed to their success in the Amway business. They have put a significant amount of money and effort into their own education and development by participating in seminars and workshops, reading books and articles, and seeking the guidance of successful Amway leaders as mentors. They have been able to become better leaders and mentors for the members of their team because they have improved the skills and information that they themselves possess.

Another important contributor to Roger and Pat's success has been the time and effort they have put into cultivating excellent connections with the members of their team. They have established a culture of inclusion and support inside the team, one in which members are encouraged to collaborate with one another and help one another achieve their own and professional goals. They are also well-known for their willingness to go out of their way to assist the members of their team in achieving success, whether it is through the provision of coaching and mentoring or the provision of financial assistance and other resources.

In addition to putting a strong emphasis on self-improvement and the formation of strong teams, Roger and Pat have also been successful in expanding their Amway business by making effective use of the power offered by social media. They have established a solid online presence by maintaining active social media accounts and a blog on which they discuss their activities within the Amway community and the lessons they have learned as a result of those activities.

Because Roger and Pat have reached the highest levels of success and recognition inside the Amway organization, they are currently considered to be two of the most influential leaders in the company's business. They continue to serve as a source of motivation and guidance for others within the Amway community, and they are dedicated to assisting as many people as they can in achieving financial freedom and success through their Amway business.

In conclusion, Johnson, Roger, and Pat are illuminating illustrations of what can be accomplished through diligent effort, unwavering dedication, and a dedication to both one's personal and professional development. They have been able to achieve considerable success in the Amway company and become role models for others in the community by concentrating on forming solid relationships, growing their own skills and expertise, and harnessing the power of social media.

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