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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Foglio, Joe & Norma Amway

 Joe & Norma Foglio are Executive Diamonds based in California. They qualified Emerald in 1987, Diamond in 1989, and Executive Diamond in 1995. Their upline is Executive Diamond Jim Head, whom Joe met when they were both in the mobile home company. Joe used to suffer from Multiple Sclerosis.

They have 1 frontline Diamond, 1994 Diamond Mike & Robin Carroll.

Within the Amway world, Joe and Norma Foglio are well-known and respected people. They were pioneers in the Amway industry, beginning as some of the company's earliest distributors and contributing significantly to Amway's early success.

In the 1960s, when Amway was still in its infancy as a business, Joe and Norma Foglio became distributors for the company. They were excited to become involved after being impressed by the company's commitment to assisting people in achieving financial independence, which inspired them to take action. Because Joe came from a background in sales and marketing, and Norma was a creative artist and designer, the two of them saw Amway as an opportunity to put their respective skills to use and develop a prosperous business.

The Foglios rose to the top of the company's distribution ranks very rapidly, and they became well-known for the creative marketing methods and outstanding customer service they provided. They prioritized cultivating close relationships with their clients and were constantly on the lookout for new methods to go above and beyond in order to fulfill the requirements of their patrons.

The Foglios' dedication to their own personal growth and improvement was one of the most important factors in their overall success. They never stopped educating themselves and broadening their scope of knowledge, be it through the participation in various training seminars or the reading of various books on professional and personal growth.

Joe and Norma Foglio not only built a prosperous business with Amway, but they also rose to the top of the wider network marketing industry, becoming leaders in that field. They were charter members of the Direct Selling Association and were instrumental in the development of industry standards and best practices during their time with the association.

In the present day, Joe and Norma Foglio are no longer actively involved in their Amway firm; yet, they continue to be revered figures in the field of network marketing. They are sought after as lecturers and trainers due to the recognition they have received for the contributions they have made to the industry.

The Foglios' accomplishments in the Amway business are an example that many would-be business owners look up to as a source of motivation. They illustrate that it is possible to achieve tremendous success and make a significant impact on the lives of others if one is willing to put in a lot of effort, is dedicated, and is committed to growing personally.

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