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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Success Is Right Around The Corner?

 There is one thing that my upline taught me that genuinely caught me for a short period of time, and it is this thought that you should not stop because success is "just around the corner" that I believe hooks many current IBOs. It gives the impression that you could give up just when you were about to become successful. To put it another way, when you look at it from a logical standpoint, the Amway business is not comparable to a slot machine, where the next pull of the handle could literally make you wealthy. It's important to remember that Amway is a company, and unless your business is always growing and sponsoring new people, success is unlikely to be right around the corner, and may never be around the corner.

This appears to be a ruse by the upline to prevent IBOs and prospects who are on the fence about continuing their participation from leaving the company. Right? You give them the impression that there's a risk you'll resign just before you hear that one item or experience that one function that will catapult you to the top of the corporate ladder. Don't you find yourself wondering what on earth could possibly motivate you to suddenly sponsor others when you haven't been able to do so for a long period of time?

Amway, in my informed opinion, necessitates a specific skill set, which involves lying or stating half truths (lying), as well as misrepresenting Amway's financial potential and how simple it is to run an Amway firm and achieve success. The upline is usually sharp enough to point out that it is straightforward but not easy to do. As opposed to something simple like stealing chocolates from a baby, something simple like spelling "cat" using a kid's building blocks is more difficult. As I recall several of my crossline IBOs who were dedicated to Amway and the systems for years while attending all meetings and festivities without experiencing any real success or sponsoring a downline, it appears that this type of training is highly beneficial. Instead, upline constructs flimsy measures of accomplishment, such as claiming that you are the most important person to arrive at the gathering on time.

Those who have missed their brother's wedding in order to attend an Amway function, or those who have delayed their child's birthday party in order to attend a meeting, can benefit from the encouragement and edification provided by Upline. I recall missing out on a number of social occasions and activities in the name of growing Amway, but it didn't actually assist my situation at all. And, oddly, Amway was originally touted as a part-time business, but upline managed to twist that into Amway is the best business no matter what's happening on in your personal life. You never skip a meeting or function unless you have to attend a funeral, according to a popular saying (your own funeral).

It's fascinating how upline use deft psychological techniques to keep IBOs and prospects emotionally invested in the Amway brand. However, if you look at it from a distance, you can truly see the forest through the trees.

The expression "success is just around the corner" gives the impression that one is very close to achieving success and that it is possible to do so in a short amount of time and with little effort. This, however, can be a harmful and erroneous assumption that can lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction on the part of the individual believing it.

The achievement of one's goals is frequently the culmination of a difficult and arduous road that calls for consistent effort, tenacity, and commitment. It is almost never accomplished in a single night, and stumbles and defeats are frequently a part of the learning process.

The idea that success is just around the corner can lead to the development of excessive expectations as well as a sense of entitlement in those who hold this notion. Those who subscribe to this ideology run the risk of being self-satisfied and, as a result, of not exerting the level of effort and hard work necessary to realize their ambitions.

In addition, the feeling of impending doom that might result from having the mindset that success is just around the corner can be detrimental to one's efforts. It can cause one to act or make decisions on the spur of the moment, which may not be in line with one's long-term goals and ideals.

While it is essential to maintain an optimistic view and have self-confidence, it is equally essential to be aware that achieving one's goals is a process that takes hard work, some amount of time, and a lot of perseverance. Individuals would do better to concentrate less on the notion that achievement is just around the corner and more on the cultivation of the talents and routines that are essential to the accomplishment of their objectives.

This involves having a strong work ethic, developing a solid plan of action, maintaining a good attitude even in the face of setbacks and disappointments, and defining goals that are attainable within a given time frame. In addition to that, it entails having a mindset that is open to learning new things and expanding one's horizons, actively seeking out mentorship and advice from those who have already achieved success, and retaining a strong sense of purpose and motivation.

To summarize, success is not something that can be accomplished tomorrow or right around the corner. It takes hard work and dedication. It is a long and difficult voyage that calls for persistent hard effort, dedication, and patience on the part of the traveler. Individuals need to know that it is equally as vital to develop the required skills and habits in order to reach their goals, in addition to maintaining a positive approach and believing in themselves. This will allow them to be successful. They will be able to boost their chances of being successful and realize their full potential if they do this.

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