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Thursday, August 12, 2021

How IBOs Get Scammed?

 According to my personal experience and view, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are defrauded during the process of getting recruited as IBOs because they incorrectly believe they will be able to start their own businesses. The unfortunate reality is that prospects and independent business owners (IBOs) are just being sold a system that is intended to generate income for them. In many ways, it's similar to those late-night informercials in which the pitchman promises to make you wealthy if you purchase his foolproof formula of success. Afterwards, they'll present video testimonials from people who claim to have gained money utilising the approach.

Between now and now, no one has ever independently verified whether or not the person making the pitch has actually made any real money as a result of their own advice, nor have you ever seen any verifiable evidence that the people providing the testimonials have ever made a cent from the system they are pitching themselves. The Amway diamonds, who show you slide shows of mansions, fantastic holidays, and sports vehicles, are actually no different than the Amway diamonds. Typically, the diamonds will show you images of travels that were sponsored by Amway, rather than ones that they had bought for themselves.

How can you know if your diamond is even currently eligible, let alone "rich" in terms of value? The answer is that you are unsure. You make the assumption that they are because you have been informed so. They might show you copies of a huge check they received or something similar, but if you ask for true financial credentials, you will be informed that it is "none of your concern." However, these diamonds want their devoted downline to blindly follow instructions and invest their money according to a strategy that may or may not have worked for the diamond in the first place.

If you didn't already know, selling get-rich-quick solutions to individuals generates a lot of revenue, which explains why you see so many infomercials on television and hear them on the radio. In most cases, consumers are intrigued by the pitch and are willing to take a chance on learning more about what is actually involved. Y'know, like 2-5 years of dedicated effort that is meant to result in a stream of residual income that you can "walk away" from. That is preferable to working 40 years at 40 hours per week, even if it takes 10 years, right? That is the hook that Amway recruiters use to entice individuals to join their company, and they frequently employ this strategy based on curiosity.

Nonetheless, you are only an unpaid commission-only Amway salesperson who receives no perks and who must even use your own money and time to advertise and sell Amway products, as well as the opportunity itself, in order to leverage downline volume with your own. The majority of individuals do little and then quit, or they do nothing and then quit. In a situation where the participants are most likely to do little or nothing before resigning, it is impossible to develop any form of long-lasting enterprise. Profitability is more likely to be found in selling these training systems, which provide substantial revenues regardless of the results obtained by your consumers.

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