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Thursday, August 12, 2021

False Hope?

 I believe that the most pernicious aspect of Amway is that certain leaders of AMOs such as WWDB take advantage of people's hopes and desires in order to recruit them to Amway and sell them motivational materials that are intended to assist them in achieving their goals. Many of these individuals are pleasant, motivated, and hardworking individuals with dreams and aspirations. That their aspirations and hopes will not be realised through the establishment of a successful Amway business and the use of WWDB as a support system is something that they do not often realise right away.

WWDB has less diamonds now than it had when I was an IBO, which is a result of my involvement in the business. While there may be some new diamonds available, I am not aware of any in the United States. According to my research, there are some fresh gems in other nations where the Amway name and tool swindle has not yet been thoroughly revealed, as has been the case in the United States and Canada. This is a very visible problem. If diamonds represent the pinnacle of achievement, then where have they gone to hide? It appears that the same old stale diamonds remain on stage today, despite promises that things have changed, and are clearly teaching the same BS that they taught many years ago.

They continue to preach the importance of paying cash for everything, earning residual income, and strolling down the beach. The fact that no one has exercised their freedom to walk away from Amway when income is pouring in baffles me, given the obvious advantages of doing so. Is it because all of these jaded old diamonds adore Amway and care so much about their downline that they can't stomach the thought of leaving? Is it more likely that the residual income for life is a complete hoax, and that these diamonds only work because they have to in order to make money?

In my knowledge, there have been at least two (2) WWDB diamonds who have experienced home foreclosure. As an aside, there is a triple diamond who dabbled in chapter 7 bankruptcy, and oddly, this diamond is still on stage instructing audiences about his financial expertise. There are those diamonds who grew up in and loved Hawaii and the ocean, but who decided it was time to go to the mainland United States. A large number of WWDB diamonds put their properties up for sale during a difficult real estate market. Sure, they may simply wish to offload their assets, but it's possible that they can't afford these houses and toys any longer. Maybe.

WWDB still hosts a party dubbed "Dream Night," during which the diamonds parade about the room, flaunting their sports cars, mansions, jet skis, and other goods, as if they were all their own and had purchased them with cash. They want the audience to imagine themselves in the similar situation and to believe that Amway is the only way to achieve it. Unfortunately, for the vast majority of people, joining Amway and WWDB will only serve to push them further away from their ambitions and dreams. The data provided by Amway tell the storey. The average IBO income is approximately $200 per month (and this includes diamonds and higher-ups), and approximately one-fourth of one percent (.26 percent) achieves the gold/platinum level, where you might earn approximately $1000 to $2000 per month in gross income.

Buyers should exercise caution.

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