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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Living The Good Life?

 I recall thinking as a rank and file IBO (as a novice) how wonderful it would be to have financial independence, to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and with no regard for cost. That is, without a doubt, what was suggested when it came to the diamond lifestyle. Nobody should be concerned because they are retired at the age of 29 and have nothing else to do than figure out where they want to play each day. Or at the very least, that's what the diamonds want you to believe. It provides you with something to look forward to, and hope is what the diamonds sell through audios/cds, functions, and conferences.

It occurred to me that while I was out with my upline a number of occasions, we drove past our diamond while we were out demonstrating the business model. In fact, the diamond was dressed in a suit when I met him, and I remember asking my sponsor why the diamond didn't simply walk away from Amway and live a quiet life of luxury. Because the diamond cared about his downline, he spent many evenings working with them to explain them the concept and assist them expand their businesses, the answer was "yes." However, I later discovered that the diamond had been out running his Amway business at the same time as I had been, which was surprising. Because he most likely had no choice.

If you are a member of an Amway group or have been around a group for a few months, you have probably observed that people who accomplish little or nothing and then quit or others who drop out after a few months of trying are extremely common. In light of this simple fact about Amway, it is easy to see that there is no lifelong residual income and that leaving Amway to live a quiet life of luxury is not an option. Keeping a sustainable group that produces enough PV to keep the diamond in qualifying is extremely difficult when the bulk of IBOs are doing little or nothing and quitting. Aside from that, if someone drop out, they are no longer responsible for paying for voicemail, meetings, audio/cds, and functions. In order for a diamond to keep their income, as well as the income augmentation from the tools and functions, they must promptly replace those who have dropped out.

In the Amway popular 6-4-2 or 9-4-2 scheme, another minor detail that may go undetected is that a major percentage of a diamond's income is earned in the form of an annual bonus, rather as a large monthly bonus check. During the course of my blogging career, which has already spanned nearly two decades, I became acquainted with a former employee who explained that her annual bonus had to be budgeted for the year because her monthly income was so meagre. I believe this is true for the majority of diamonds, with the exception of old and long-tenured gems with huge groups.

As a result, it appears like a diamond is extremely similar to a working stiff who works 9-5, at least in my opinion. However, because most people have day jobs and are unable to conduct business during the day, the diamond operates at unusual hours and frequently on the night shift. Even if you believe that the "work" that a diamond performs isn't nearly as arduous as a 40-hour per week job, you could argue that having a regular, stable wage, together with health care insurance and other benefits, can provide you with some piece of mind. Certainly, there are many gems who live on the edge, especially if they strive to keep up with the Joneses and showcase the diamond lifestyle on television and in magazines.

varied people will have varied interpretations of what it means to live the good life, but in general, it refers to a way of life that is satisfying, joyful, and significant. The following are some suggestions on how to live a happy and fulfilling life:

Relationships with loved ones, friends, and family should be a primary focus for anyone who aspires to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Invest time and effort into creating deep connections with the people around you, and make time for important conversations and activities that you can share together.

Gratitude is a practice that can help you live a better life by teaching you to appreciate what you already have and to be thankful for the positive aspects of your life. Set aside some time every day to think on the things in your life that are doing well and to give thanks for those things.

It is crucial to having a happy and fulfilled life that you pursue the interests and activities that bring you the most pleasure and satisfaction. Find out what you're passionate about and make time in your schedule to explore those interests, whether it involves picking up a new pastime, helping out a cause that's important to you, or seeing new places and things.

Self-care should be a top priority since it is essential to leading a happy and fulfilling life on all fronts, including the physical, the mental, and the emotional. If you are having difficulties with your mental health or stress, be sure to schedule in time for physical activity, nutritious nutrition, rest and relaxation, and look for help and services.

Embrace simplicity: Simplifying your life can assist you in concentrating on that which is actually important, as well as in lowering your stress and anxiety levels. Think about minimizing the number of commitments and obligations you have and concentrating on the things that are most important to you while you clean your home.

You may infuse your life with greater purpose and meaning by giving back to those in need and making a contribution to the community in which you live. Find ways to give back to the community, whether that be through giving your time, making a financial contribution to a charitable organization, or just being nice and compassionate to others around you.

Seek out ways to improve yourself and broaden your horizons by pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and actively searching out new learning opportunities. Engage in new endeavors, investigate a variety of viewpoints and civilizations, and commit to learning for the rest of your life.

In conclusion, living the good life entails fashioning a way of life that is gratifying and meaningful, one that is in accordance with one's core beliefs and areas of interest. You may design a life that provides you with joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose by putting an emphasis on the relationships in your life, cultivating an attitude of appreciation, following your true passions, making self-care a top priority, embracing simplicity, volunteering, and searching out opportunities for personal development and progress.

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