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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

C.Nagaveni & T Chandrasekaran Amway

 C.Nagaveni and T. Chandrasekaran are two of the most talented people in the world.

My profession is that of a beautician, and my spouse owns a theatre. I came upon the Amway business opportunity while I was preoccupied with my own company. Despite the fact that I was earning enough money and was content with my earnings, I had a constant desire for a guaranteed income, early retirement, and international travel. I came to the realisation that the Amway business opportunity was the only way to achieve all of our goals and dreams. I jumped at the chance as soon as it presented itself.

Following the completion of my Platinumship, my husband joined me, and the two of us worked extremely hard to construct our Emerald ship. The Britt system played a critical role in the development of our success storey.

We were not able to collaborate while running our other businesses. Our aspirations and dreams were at odds with one another. This was one of the reasons why we had so many difficulties in that particular firm. When it came to starting this company, the situation was quite different. We both worked together and had thoughts, ambitions, and dreams that were on the same wavelength as each other.

It is said that “behind every successful guy there is a woman.” This is certainly true. However, after becoming involved in this industry, I would want to state that "Behind every successful lady there is a guy." "Your momentum is your team's momentum," says the coach. And your unity is the unity of your team." As a result, the relationship between the husband and wife is critical and the deciding factor in this business.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our inspirational uplines, and we would also want to thank our hardworking downlines, as well as our amazing daughters, Nandene, who is 15 years old, and Yamini, who is 11 years old, for their contributions.

This company has the potential to transform your life. If you construct it with integrity, success will undoubtedly be yours.

C.Nagaveni & T Chandrasekaran

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