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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Santhanakrishnan, Ramesh & Rama Amway

Santhanakrishnan, Ramesh & Rama 

 It was a complete surprise to us when we first arrived in this country in pursuit of 'the American Ambition' that we would come upon this wonderful business opportunity that would help us accomplish that dream and more!

FED is someone we shall never forget. A gigantic coliseum full with people, cheering and yelling with excitement as they anticipate the arrival of the next couple onstage... it's 2004, and Philadelphia is the setting. 

We're in the middle of our introduction video; our entire upline has gathered onstage with a Diamond plaque and flowers; and Kumar is saying, "Please welcome brand new Diamonds..." Our intro video is playing; our upline has gathered onstage with a Diamond plaque and flowers; and Kumar is announcing, "Please welcome brand new Diamonds..."

We were standing there, holding hands, tears streaming down our cheeks, like if the miraculous moment had indeed occurred for us. Each of our upline members welcomed us with a warm hug and the lovely, emphatic words, "Welcome to Diamond Club," as we made our way up the steps and onto the stage to take our places among the other new members.

We couldn't help but think back on the previous year as we watched a parade of new Diamonds take the stage, thrilled for them but suffering deep down inside, anxious to move on to the next level ourselves. We Then we took the solemn determination that we would not allow another year to pass without hearing our names called from the FED stage!

We have a lovely lifestyle and financial security for our two beautiful girls, Rathi and Rasya, thanks to this wonderful business opportunity and to our inspirational mentors, Kumar and Anjali, who have guided us along the way. Our goal is to assist as many members of our team as possible in reaching Diamond level and beyond!

They were living in a one-bedroom apartment and driving a car that required a severe facelift when they first came upon this firm. They were in debt and barely scraped by to make ends meet at the time.

They now live in a magnificent home in a wonderful area and are free to drive whatever they choose. Ramaa is a world-class Indian classical dancer, and she pursues her enthusiasm for the art form for the right reasons - she loves it, not because she needs it for her survival! She conducts a dancing school out of her house and is well-known in the dance community for her work.

Ramesh and Ramaa are also looking forward to expanding their business in India. They have been able to contribute to a variety of worthwhile projects while still taking care of their respective families back home.

Shivaram & Anjali Kumar, Double Diamonds

Santhanakrishnan, Ramesh & Rama Amway

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