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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Rowe, Jared & Astrid Amway

 Rowe, Jared & Astrid 

After learning about the company through a colleague educator while working on his MBA and teaching military science at the University of Texas in Austin, Jared Rowe, a former Army officer, and his wife Astrid were introduced to the firm.

 Jared was completely uninterested, but Astrid saw the value in enrolling to be able to purchase things at a lower cost than retail.

For a number of years, the Rowes did nothing more than attend functions and purchase items. Finally, while attending a weekend seminar, they came to the conclusion that they needed to put the firm back into operation.

 Silver was released in the same month. They were Diamonds three and a half years after they were formed.

Jared makes light of the situation "The vast majority of people who leave the military are required to change their uniforms, so to speak, and go to work for someone else.But for me, it was that day that life truly began, when I said goodbye to 12-hour work days and 65-mile commutes." 

To compensate, he has devoted his time to his wife and their six children, the youngest of whom was born the same year he resigned.

""Building was hard work," Astrid admitted, "but I used to think to myself on a regular basis: what if this business was a good fit for us but we never gave it a shot?" It's a question that I invite others to ponder on their own. People should have a look at these profiles. 

They will discover someone in this group with whom they can connect, and the possibilities will begin to become a reality for them."

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