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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Schneider, Gary & Nana Amway


Gary is a professional wrestler and triathlete.

Nana is a professor as well as a triathlete.

Gary and Nana left their mark on the University of Florida...where they first met in 1971 while they were both students: he as a professional wrestler from the United States, and she as a gymnast from Italy. 

Gary began training in 1975, and the couple married and settled in the city where he began training. With the passage of time, he rose to the position of director of wrestlers' training, while Nana taught at a local college.

Sandy and Bubba Pratt's friends gathered there, and it was they that introduced them to the topic of online business. Gary and Nana didn't do much to grow their business in the beginning because they treated it as a hobby. 

However, after attending their first convention, they completely transformed their business philosophy. They made a snap decision to carry out everything Bubba and Sandy had instructed them to do. They assisted them in realising the need of being consistent and adaptable.

Downline Diamond

  • Schneider, Gary & Nana, Diamond, United States, EFinity
  • Illera, Alejandro & Maribel, Founders Diamond (2011), Colombia, EFinity
  • Orlando y Martha Cortés, Diamond, Colombia, EFinity (2011)
Schneider, Gary & Nana Amway

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