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Monday, July 19, 2021

FiredUp Letters - Section 6: International Amway

 We had a wonderful convention in Colombia last weekend, with 15,000 people from the Amway business in attendance. We had the opportunity to learn from some of the world's greatest leaders. It was an exciting and educational experience that provided opportunities for information acquisition, association with wonderful people, and personal improvement.

I've spent the last two years and six months growing the Amway business in Colombia, and my life has been transformed in every manner imaginable. It is incredible how quickly the life of a 24-year-old man can turn from negative to positive when presented with this opportunity.

—A. I., Columbia University

Six years have passed since we were associated with the Amway business.

Our marriage was the first item to be preserved, and it is still the most important. And then there's me, who was in a really horrible frame of mind when I started, but has been maturing into someone I can be proud of.

You can't but but improve the quality of life for yourself and your children if you make these kinds of changes to your marriage, your self-image, and your outlook on life and success.

This has unquestionably occurred in our situation. When we began our self-development journey, our children were only six and seven years old, respectively. Our children have developed wonderful, healthy attitudes as a result of this, and have gone on to become leaders in their schools, as well as being successful in nearly everything they undertake. This has been more valuable to us than anything else.

Personally, I come from a labourer and welder family with a lot of "pub" nights and weekends under my belt and a low self-esteem to begin with. I can look back on my life six years ago and guess where I would have ended up if it hadn't been for the Amway business opportunity.

Newcastle, Australia's B. B. wrote:

It is one of my motivations for establishing my Amway business because I want to assist others make a difference in their lives, whether it is financially, social-cultural-spiritually-emotionally, or any combination of these.

At my core, I am a humanitarian, and any and all of my welfare concerns necessitate financial support, which I will be able to achieve through my Amway business. That Amway opened its doors in South Africa is something I will be grateful for the rest of my life.

They never cease to astound me, both for the difficulties and tribulations that they have faced and for the happiness, love, friendships, and success that they have achieved as a result of their experiences.

If only more individuals shared our goal and were able to feel the excitement and happiness that comes with being associated with Amway and its employees.

—M. G., a South African citizen

My family consists of my mother, father, and younger brother, and we live around 20 kilometres east of the city of Melbourne. My parents are also involved in the Amway business, and I can honestly say that my mother has changed dramatically since becoming involved in the company.

In my memory, Mum used to be "nearly content" with her existence, going through the motions of her daily routine without a lot of ambitions, desires, or aspirations. It was really difficult for me to witness because I adore my mother.

As soon as Mum and Dad got into the business, they were able to purchase some golf clubs at wholesale prices. Then, as they travelled to Queensland, they began listening to cassette tapes to pass the time on the 24-hour drive.

My mother's life was irrevocably transformed as a result of this, and it is for this reason that I decided to join the company. Mum has had a significant transformation, and she now has the greatest hopes and goals, as well as a passion for life and a desire to live it to the utmost.

Australian resident, EM, from Heathmont

The fact that there are many "Dreamers" battling for their future around the world gives me great hope!

I've travelled all the way from Hong Kong. I was 20 when I started my own Amway business on April 18, 1995, on the 18th of the month. In reality, before I comprehend the marketing strategy and the "System," I have a negative attitude toward Amway. I despise this type of company because I feel like I'm deceiving [misleading]. I'm not aware that it is a "people-helping" business.

I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the future right now. I've decided where I want to go. My upline and I, on the other hand, are having a number of difficulties in Hong Kong. There are numerous additional direct-sell companies that use the "wrong" strategy. Many residents of Hong Kong believe that this is "monkey business." Following that, the economic situation in Hong Kong is dire right now. They are always on the lookout for the "affordable" product.

All of us, on the other hand, have already made the decision that we will "NEVER GIVE UP." This is something I'm quite serious about. I'm under the impression that I'm a DIAMOND. The obstacle I've faced over the past few years is simply God's way of putting my determination to succeed to the test. "Without courage, there is no glory." If there is another Amway distributor who happens to see this e-mail, I want to assure them that we are in this together. We are battling [for] what we call "Freedom." "Please don't allow anyone take away your dream!"

—J. L., a Hong Kong resident

On the 1st of July, 1993, I officially ended my police career in Canberra, Australia's national capital city. The decision to accomplish something with my life took me a couple of years, and this is the culmination of that process. My Emerald Direct sponsor assured me that being a part of the company would transform my life and attitude on life, and while I believed him, I may not have believed him enough to see the potential.

Just a few days ago, I chatted with an ex-colleague who, although being offered retirement at the same time, chose not to take the offer. It felt like I was travelling back in time when I was talking to this man. He was still alive in July 1993, while I was still alive in November 1998. It seemed as if I had never left, and that the days had not passed by since I had returned. These were the identical words he had uttered only days before I had resigned, and I recognised them immediately. He has been so engrossed with the bad aspects of his job that he is unable to see beyond the blinkers.

My life has altered, as has my wife's, as have my children's, and, most importantly, as have my circle of friends. Since becoming a police officer, I've grown from having three friends and a few acquaintances to being an Amway Distributor with hundreds of friends that I already know and thousands more that I haven't met yet.

Let us have some fun while also helping others, as this is my Pro-Am message from down under. It doesn't matter who you are; you have the ability to do it. We're doing it.

• J. B. and T. B. from Mindarie Beach, Western Australia

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