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Monday, July 19, 2021

FiredUp Letters - Section 1: Career Amway

 I am employed as an Architect with a prominent firm in South New Jersey on a full time basis.

My experience as a distributor dates back nearly three years. The life lessons I've gained from that company's training system, as well as the support I've received, are unlike anything I've ever encountered in all of the years I've been in the business. It has instilled in me a strong desire to improve my situation and that of my family.

—B. O., New Jersey

It's possible that my jaded view of the commercial sector stemmed from my years as a political student. With regard to visiting the Amway operation, I can tell you that everything became clear as to what was possible in the world when I saw what they were doing.

Previously, Amway was mocked by comedians as a door-to-door carpet shampoo selling enterprise for crackpots, which I thought was ridiculous. In the end, when I saw things for what they truly were, I realised that it is by far the most moral and ethical, powerful and thrilling enterprise in all of history.

A. T. —A. T.

On the 1st of July, 1993, I officially ended my police career in Canberra, Australia's national capital city. The decision to accomplish something with my life took me a couple of years, and this is the culmination of that process. My Emerald Direct sponsor assured me that being a part of the company would transform my life and attitude on life, and while I believed him, I may not have believed him enough to see the potential.

Just a few days ago, I chatted with an ex-colleague who, although being offered retirement at the same time, chose not to take the offer. It felt like I was travelling back in time when I was talking to this man. He was still alive in July 1993, while I was still alive in November 1998. It seemed as if I had never left, and that the days had not passed by since I had returned. These were the identical words he had uttered only days before I had resigned, and I recognised them immediately. He has been so engrossed with the bad aspects of his job that he is unable to see beyond the blinkers.

My life has altered, as has my wife's, as have my children's, and, most importantly, as have my circle of friends. Since becoming a police officer, I've grown from having three friends and a few acquaintances to being an Amway Distributor with hundreds of friends that I already know and thousands more that I haven't met yet.

Let us have some fun while also helping others, as this is my Pro-Am message from down under. It doesn't matter who you are; you have the ability to do it. We're doing it.

• J. B. and T. B. from Mindarie Beach, Western Australia

In December of 1988, I had been married for 12 years and had served in the Air Force for 12 years; I was on pace to advance through the ranks of the service. The role of homemaker and mother was her valuable career choice, and she also cared for our two young children while working full-time.

We were responsible with our financial resources. We didn't have the luxuries that many of our classmates had, but we were debt-free. Our financial situation gradually deteriorated, and we found ourselves unable to keep up with the escalating cost of essentials like food and shelter. We needed to increase our income without jeopardising the family structure that we believed was ideal for our family's well-being.

In the military, there is no such thing as overtime pay; we are paid and on call around the clock, every day of the year. Making yourself more productive does not guarantee promotion; instead, you must compete with other professionals in your industry, and the number of promotions is strictly regulated. While my wife was willing to work outside the home to boost our income, doing so would require us to go into debt in order to purchase a second vehicle, purchase an additional wardrobe, and pay for child-care expenses. We were still in need of further funds.

As soon as we were introduced to Amway's Marketing Plan, our eyes were opened to a modern, high-tech, no-pressure, family-friendly economic structure that would help us to save money for our family's financial future. The experience was in no way similar to the Amway stories we'd heard before. Our financial tension was relieved almost immediately as a result of the money we began to accumulate. It was the beginning of a company whose only requirements were dedication and a willingness to learn.

Amway's bonus structure, which has been approved by the federal government, encourages and rewards achievement with financial rewards. There are no justifications, and there is no "something-for-nothing" reasoning. If you're a part of a system that places no limits on your efforts and earnings, such as Amway's, the economy is not a frightening place to be. When you work for someone else, you are restricted to the amount of money they are willing to pay you, the number of hours you may set for yourself, your future, and, ultimately, the type of lifestyle you will be able to enjoy both now and in the future. We DO have a choice in the matter.

What we have accomplished thus far as a result of our education inside this system over the previous ten years has piqued our interest, and we are optimistic about what we can accomplish in the future as a result of our own hard work and assistance to others who have similar viewpoints. And, perhaps most crucially, if something were to happen to me, my wife would be unable to continue my work and earn my salary.

Despite this, she's been right there with me in our Amway business and is capable of running it on her own if necessary. Our children have grown up with the values of free enterprise instilled in them, and they are confident in their abilities to achieve success through hard and honest effort. That is just priceless!

—B & D of Atwater, California

Greetings, Dr. Helmstetter.

I worked for a Fortune 500 corporation in Central Illinois for 31 years, 4 months, and 17 days in order to establish a retirement income. When I was 48 years old, my wife and I decided to start a business together with Amway. Over the course of 29 months, we generated an income that more than doubled the income I had laboured for 31 years, 4 months, and 17 days to achieve. This was accomplished by clinging to a precious support system built by those who had already travelled the path and were willing to share their secrets for success.

I'd want to express my gratitude for your dedication to individuals who dare to dream and believe that there is a better way to do things. With this strong information, you are making a significant contribution to the beginning of the twenty-first century.

—E.M. from Washington, Illinois

I am an attorney who is licenced to practise in both Idaho and Washington. Amway had a profound and unanticipated impact on my life when I received a genuine introduction to the company. While it was clear after reviewing the business plan that Amway might offer me and my family with some of the financial security that the profession of law lacked, I had no expectation of the results in the other areas of my life that have followed.

During the course of studying the business training materials, and particularly while listening to the audiotapes, my attitude and perspective in all parts of my life transformed. When it came to the way I handled my caseload, I saw a significant shift in my approach. When it came to my clients, I took a completely different approach, and the financial impact at my employment demonstrated this.

You should be aware that, before to becoming involved in this wonderful business, I spent a significant amount of time and money reading self-improvement material and purchasing audio recordings, among other things.

When it comes to real-world application, I have found that the messages I receive from the support materials provided by my upline significantly outweigh the worth of the CDs and books I had been purchasing on my own.

Furthermore, the cost of these business support materials is really less than the amount of money I would have spent on their "non-Amway" equalivant in the previous year. When you combine this with the excellent business opportunity and significant discounts we receive on quality items, it is difficult to comprehend any of the "stigma" connected with "the American Way" Amway.

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to share the value, — C.M. 

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