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Monday, July 19, 2021

Zheng Wei Liang & Luo Bin Amway

 Success (Amagram Mar-Apr 2013)

In March 1995, Zheng Weiliang (Andy) was exposed to Amway while studying Hotel Management in Australia.

 In Australia, he saw how the Amway business can alter ordinary people's lives, and that it is "worth" the effort.

 With the help of his mentors in Australia, he developed a strong belief in Amway's potential. 

He returned to China in 1995 after discovering Amway was entering the Chinese market and worked for Amway for six years. 

Amway not only gave Zheng Weiliang (Andy) and Luo Bin (Wendy) the perfect lifestyle, but also shaped them into better human beings with values. 

Wendy joined Amway 10 years ago. Her regular corporate career had seen many ups and downs. 

"My Amway experience and happy hubby have converted me into a sunny person," Wendy explains.

In 2000, one of Amway's founders, Rich Devos, visited China for the first time. He had recently received a heart transplant, yet he insisted on travelling across the ocean to cheer up the Chinese people.

 "As long as one of you does Amway, Amway's factory will be open for you!" he promised. That day, Zheng Weiliang, Luo Bin, and their team were re-inspired by the Amway spirit and set new goals.

 The founders of Amway's beliefs have inspired thousands of people throughout the world and opened doors for them. 

Andy & Wendy are just one of the millions of Amway couples whose lives have been changed forever by this company.

Andy is a voracious reader who always has books with him.

"As a Founders Council member, my aim is to grow the business while simultaneously training individuals," he explains.

He sees India as one of Amway's most promising markets. 

Many success stories will emerge from this area, inspiring millions around the world to join the Amway business. 

Their objective is to assist more regular people achieve success in India.

Zheng Wei Liang & Luo Bin Amway

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