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Monday, July 19, 2021

Shad Helmstetter - An American Victory Letter 1 Amway

 Letter No. 1 - An American Victory -

The 29th of May, 1996, was a Wednesday.

We would like to express our gratitude to all Amway distributors and friends.

Some facts you should know about yourself as an Amway Distributor have been determined after a thorough and in-depth examination of your identity, your work, and the reasons for your success.

First and foremost, you made an excellent decision! You are a member of one of the finest, most positive, and most worthwhile organisations in the world at the present time, and you know it. You exemplify free enterprise at its finest, as well as personal development at its finest. You are at the very centre of all that is good about America. You understand the importance of faith, home and family, setting realistic objectives, and doing honest work, and you make these values an integral part of your professional and personal life.

You are a source of inspiration for others. Build the most positive sort of self-esteem in yourself and in others by doing good deeds. You are concerned about other people. You provide them with hope, a future, and the ability to choose. You are assisting more people than you will ever realise as a result of your affiliation with Amway and the important work you do in your business.

You are not only developing a business, but you are also paving the way for a better life for yourself, your family, and the rest of the world around you as a result of your efforts. You and your group are assisting in returning our country to its founding principles of freedom and greatness... and you are spreading that message of freedom and greatness wherever you go.

You have the kind of leadership and guidance that only comes from people of the highest character. Your company's success is built on decades of experience and high-quality employees who have come together to make your company the best in the world.

Everything is in place for you: the necessary tools, a sound strategy, and a positive attitude. If you are currently a self-employed Amway distributor, you have arrived at the correct website. Hold on to your resolve. (If you have not already done so, you should consider joining this extraordinary community of people.) Whether you are just getting started in the company or you are a seasoned professional, one thing is certain: the greatest is yet to be discovered!

In addition to me, there are many fine people all across the world who wish to express their gratitude and recognition for the excellent work you are doing. Never forget the following:

Become a positive, active member of the Amway organisation and you may find that there is no greater service you can make for the betterment of yourself, your family, your society, your country or for the betterment of mankind than to do so.

You should be pleased with your position on the team. Yours truly is a victory for the United States of America.

God bless you, and please keep doing what you're doing!

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