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Monday, July 19, 2021

Shad Helmstetter - An American Victory Letter 2 Amway

 Letter No. 2 - An American Victory -

The 15th of July, 1997 was a Tuesday.

An Open Letter to Amway Distributors and Other Amway Associates

As part of my research and publishing a number of books in the topic of personal improvement, I have always sought for the ideas and approaches that are the most effective and that can help us alter our lives for the better.

After several years of investigation into the Amway Distributor organisation, I released an open letter to Independent Amway Distributors a year ago, which was received well by the community. Since then, I've continued my investigation into the Amway organisation and its founders. I have met and interviewed Amway Distributors at all levels of the organisation. During my travels abroad, I was able to witness firsthand the expansion of Amway's foreign operations. For the past several years, I've been researching the outcomes in the lives of individuals and families that are Amway Distributors.

My research has led me to believe that being an Amway Distributor may be one of the best ideas for personal and professional development that I have ever come across.

Listed below is a succinct summary of what I've learned thus far:

1. Amway is effective.

Currently, there are successful Amway Distributors who are the grandchildren of persons who started as Amway Distributors three generations ago and are still going strong. Amway's business has proven itself by surviving and expanding throughout the years. As we enter the twenty-first century, I and others anticipate that Amway will be one of the healthiest and most powerful independent business groups anywhere in the world.

2. Amway has earned the admiration of business leaders around the world.

The Amway Distributors brand represents the pinnacle of a distribution system that is state-of-the-art today and clearly represents the wave of the future, thanks to decades of growth and refinement. Amway has risen to the top of its industry at a time when more individuals than ever desire to be self-employed, work from home, or start their own business. Amway has positioned itself at the forefront of this movement.

3. Amway's success is not the result of chance.

Family, home, ethics, true goals, helping others, and honest achievement are the foundations of the Amway Distributor organisation, which is growing at a rapid pace thanks to solid principles and values. Independent Amway Distributors are our neighbours, our relatives, and our friends. They are a vital part of our communities. When I met and researched the people who work in the Amway industry, I learned that they are people just like us, who have a shared objective of improving their lives, providing the best for their families, and making the world a better place in which to live.

4. Being in the Amway business allows you to live a life of success and prosperity.

Every employee in the Amway organisation has a positive, upbeat attitude that is full of hope and optimism. It serves as a constant reminder of the same kind of dedication, spirit, and strength of character that helped to make our country great in the first instance.

If you are already an Independent Amway Distributor, you made a wise decision in joining the company. Maintain your focus! It is recommended that you speak with someone who is currently a member of the Amway team if you are not already. This is the genuine article.

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