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Friday, August 20, 2021

Getting Rich In Amway And Walking The Beaches?

 So many Independent Business Owners (IBOs) appear to join Amway in the hopes of becoming wealthy one day. That much is obvious. The uplines, on the other hand, are astute enough to state the obvious, such as Amway is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Because new IBOs or prospects have been assured it is not a get-rich-quick scheme, they will believe they are in a real business. They may even be told that Amway is a difficult company to work for. But the main line is that they must have been convinced that if they just follow the system, they will eventually get wealthy.

By emphasising that Amway is not a get-rich-quick scheme, the upline can also secure your participation in the tools systems for numerous years. They'll tell you that you'll need tools, exactly like a carpenter would. However, the function of an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) is straightforward. Purchase products, sell things, and sponsor your downline. To learn how to switch on a television, you wouldn't need a 500-page handbook and a lot of CDs, would you? However, many people are duped into thinking that functions and standing orders represent investments in their organisation. People will still do it because they have been sold on the premise that they will get wealthy through Amway. To me, achieving financial freedom in 2-5 years feels like a get-rich-quick gimmick.

I may be asking some of these questions over and over again, but it should disclose an answer that IBOs and prospects are looking for. Where are the people that developed a successful firm in two to five years and then opted to walk away and enjoy financial independence while the money kept coming in? Except for Amway's proprietors, I don't know of anyone who can walk away with a large profit in almost 50 years of existence. Also, why isn't this listed as an IBO advantage on Amway's website? Is it possible that it doesn't exist? Is it possible that it's merely a legend?

Do you believe that all the diamonds could be with anybody they want, anywhere in the world, but they chose to be at your function because they love you? Isn't it more likely that all those gems at your event are there because they want to make money off of your ticket sales? Seriously, if all the diamonds had limitless money and could walk the beaches of the world, I'm sure some of them would choose that choice over being in Edmonton or Portland for Dream Night in January.

If you believe you can actually make rich in Amway, keep in mind that the typical active IBO earns $115 per month, according to Amway. If you ever get wealthy in Amway, you will have a large downline who will lose money in order for you to succeed. Is it possible to become wealthy with Amway? I highly doubt it for the vast majority of people. You're more likely to load your garage with goods and lose money at functions than you are to make money in a person to person business.

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