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Friday, August 20, 2021

Hypocritical Uplines?

 Now that the internet is so widely available, information is openly exchanged, and some of the Lines Of Sponsorship's dark secrets have been revealed. Furthermore, as time goes on, it becomes plain that a number of upline leaders are enormous hypocrites who appear to be motivated by greed and personal gain. This tendency, I feel, will continue. These same leaders appear to have circumvented Amway's certification criteria, which appear to be ineffective.

Many upline leaders use the Amway company to rescue marriages to appeal to their audience. I recall sitting in the audience as some diamonds discussed how couples that establish businesses have a divorce rate of less than 2%, compared to the national statistic of around 50%. One of the main reasons given was the financial strain that J-O-B workers were under (not enough cash). However, we are now seeing several upline diamond leaders become divorced, with no explanation given in some situations, as if the missing spouse was beamed up by aliens. Many leaders simply rewrite history or deny the occurrence of certain events. Some leaders simply act as if nothing happened, and IBOs appear to be quite forgiving, therefore upline leaders have never been held accountable.

Some diamonds have also been discovered to produce a lot of money from tools. When I was an IBO, we were informed unequivocally that tools were not profitable. The earnings were reinvested in the functions, making them better and more affordable. (Has any service been less expensive in the last 12 years?) In reality, I was told while I was an IBO that WWDB was a non-profit organisation, which was a complete falsehood. I would concede that upline eventually revised their tale to say that WWDB was a for-profit organisation, but that no profits were kept, therefore money was channelled to making events better and cheaper. When have events ever been less expensive, Agsin? Now, I don't believe that events should be held for free, but I do believe that the leaders should be open about it, rather than the lies and secrets that frequently accompany discussions about tools and tool income.

Some upline executives also mentioned how foolish it was to take out a loan because the banks profit so much from the interest. Some of these very leaders' homes are now being foreclosed on! Some of these diamonds claimed to pay cash for everything, including their homes and automobiles. It's not in the hopes of making these people suffer; rather, it's about exposing the lies and deception utilised by leaders to attract IBOs to join and purchase equipment that were intended to assist IBOs live like diamonds. However, rather of having more diamonds, I believe WWDB and some other LOSs currently have fewer gems than they had 15 years ago, at least in the United States. Where is the proof of success?

What's more astounding is how some of these leaders' hypocrisy is exposed to their downline, and the downline simply ignores it, continuing to follow blindly without explanation or challenging the leaders after the incidences have been disclosed.

When these kinds of difficulties develop, IBOs should ask their bosses questions. If the response you get is silence or deflections, you should consider carefully.

What You Really Need to Know About Hypocritical Uplines

When it comes to the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry, having a powerful and encouraging upline is one of the most critical factors that might influence your level of success. We regret to inform you that not all uplines are made equal. It's possible that you'll find yourself working with an upline who is hypocritical at some point, which is a situation that can be tremendously stressful and perplexing for you. This essay will take a closer look at what it means to have a hypocrite upline, as well as what you can do to manage this difficult circumstance and make the most of the opportunities it presents.

What exactly is meant by the term "Hypocrisy Upline"?

In a nutshell, an upline is considered hypocritical if they don't follow the principles that they preach. They might offer you guidance or tell you to carry out a certain action, but then they would go and behave in the complete opposite manner themselves. For instance, they may advise you to participate in all of the business events and training sessions, but at the same time, they may skip these activities on a regular basis. Or, they could emphasize the significance of developing relationships with those in your downline, but then fail to live up to the obligations that they have made to their own team.

Why are there hypocritical uplines in the first place?

There are a lot of different scenarios that could lead to an upline being hypocritical. It's possible that they are simply oblivious to their own behavior in some instances. Even if their words and deeds are completely at odds with one another, they may sincerely believe that they are succeeding in all of their endeavors. In other instances, it's possible that they're attempting to guard their own personal interests or keep their position of authority inside the company. They could offer you guidance that appears to be beneficial to you, but in reality, it is more geared at helping them achieve their goals than it is toward helping you achieve yours.

How Should One Respond to an Upline That Is Hypocritical?

Having to deal with a hypocrite upline can be very annoying, but there are several things you can do to make the situation more manageable. The following are some pointers to bear in mind:

Make sure you have a firm grasp on your own objectives and top priorities. When you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish in your business, it is much simpler to evaluate the guidance that is provided to you by your upline. If there is something that does not correspond with your own personal values or priorities, it is often wise to stand back and rethink your overall plan.

Maintain an honest and open line of communication. It is crucial to bring up your concerns regarding the behavior of your upline in a way that is productive and courteous if you have any reservations about their actions. Instead of approaching the conversation from a place of anger or blame, try approaching it from a place of curiosity and empathy instead.

Make an effort to locate new resources and sources of help. If you believe that your upline is not providing you with the direction that you require, you should not be hesitant to seek assistance from other members of the organization or from resources that are located outside the organization. There are a lot of websites, podcasts, and online groups devoted to assisting people who are trying to start their own multi-level marketing businesses.

Think about if it's time to go to a different upline. It may be important in certain circumstances to sever relations with a hypocrite upline and search for a new mentor who is more closely aligned with your objectives and principles. Making a choice like this might be challenging, but in the end, it is critical to put your own happiness and success ahead of those of others.

In conclusion, having a hypocrite upline can be difficult, but it is not necessarily a career-ending event in a multi-level marketing business. You will be able to handle this circumstance and continue to create a successful business if you remain true to your own goals and priorities, communicate freely, seek out more help, and possibly find a new upline.

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