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Friday, August 20, 2021

The BBB And Amway?

 I've seen hundreds (if not thousands) of blogs and testimonials regarding Amway throughout the years. The majority of them complain about the drawbacks of becoming an Amway Independent Business Owner. The majority of the complaints point to Amway's higher costs than comparable merchants, as well as the fact that the system, which includes voicemail, books, CDs, and seminars, ate up any earnings the IBO may have made and left most of them with net losses. One Amway supporter bemoans the fact that the internet is littered with negative Amway testimonials. The reason there are so many unfavourable testimonies regarding Amway is that thousands, if not millions, of people have either had a horrible experience for the reasons I mentioned above, or directly know someone who has. Amway appears to have failed to deal firmly with the bad behaviour of some Amway IBOs, resulting in a terrible reputation for the Amway brand.

Many Amway apologists will argue that this is due to the fact that many IBOs sign up and then "do nothing." But I can simply point out that I haven't seen anyone state they signed up, didn't do anything, didn't order items, quit, and began writing about their horrible Amway experience. These critics will also equate Amway to a gym where individuals join and then "do nothing." Whether this is true or not, I have yet to see anyone who signs up and then "does nothing" complain about not earning health benefits for doing so. It's a pitiful defence. On the other hand, I've seen countless tales of people like myself who put in the work, some for many years, and followed upline's advice but did not receive the financial benefits that "the plan" promotes. I'm also guessing that the majority of people don't sign up and then "do nothing." Instead, they are more likely to get started, try to contact and invite people, and sell things, but become overwhelmed by the broken system, become disheartened, and stop. Maybe they don't do anything, but I doubt many people take the time to look at the plan, invest money to get started, and then "do nothing."

Defenders of Amway will then attempt to excuse themselves by claiming that the Better Business Bureau (BBB) receives few official complaints about the company. This is something I agree with. Many IBOs seldom bother to submit official complaints with the Better Business Bureau or Amway because the individual who quits and may have had a terrible experience was most likely supported into the business. Frequently, the sponsor was a friend or family member of the IBO who had left the company. Many people will simply forget about the incident and chalk it up to a life lesson. Some will whine, but they will need a place to vent their dissatisfaction with their decision to join. Some of us have found that using the internet to share our experiences and thoughts on why the firm failed has been very effective. This is referred to as the "online battle" by one Amway supporter. What I've mentioned is that critics frequently simply point out what the IBOs have done. The IBO is frequently his own worst adversary. After all, detractors didn't deny the relationship between Amway and Quixtar, nor did they make up claims about excellent water, etc.

The majority of the issues appear to be related to AMO systems such as WWDB, BWW, LTD, or N21. Now, not all upline leaders are unethical, but it appears that a significant number of them are, and new IBOs have no way of distinguishing between the good and the bad. Some of these upline executives also appear to be giving incorrect advice. Advice that is bad for the IBOs but good for them monetarily, such as advising them to never miss an event or to acquire more CDs. In many cases, unethical uplines are uninterested in IBO success; instead, their purpose is to shift as many support materials as possible in order to fund their "diamond" lifestyle. Unfortunately, in other circumstances, the diamond lifestyle appears to be a façade. An illusory sense of affluence used as a recruitment technique.

If you identify some of these red flags, confront your potential sponsor with tough questions and read this or some of the blogs connected to this one for more information.

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