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Friday, August 20, 2021

What's "Likely" In Amway?

 One thing Amway promoters and enthusiasts like to do is to paint a best case scenario when promoting Amway. I can't blame a promoter for wanting to show the best case scenario, but in my informed opinion, it's a matter of whether there is deception or outright lies in displaying that best case scenario. For example, when other "financial" gurus air their infomercials, they have a disclaimer to explain that success testimonials are a "unique" experience. Many Amway promoters apparently do the opposite and make it seem as if financial success in Amway is the norm and not the exception. But what is the more common or likely experience for an IBO?

I am not going to discuss the IBOs who sign up and do nothing, even if this may be common. (That's because there may also be reasons for this, such as deception or harrassment used by the recruiters). IBOs who sign up and do nothing do not tend to complain about their results.

I believe that for many, they will see the plan, usually the 6-4-2 plan which is to show how you can become a platinum and then diamond. The speaker may slide in how all you need is six of these groups and you will be a diamond and make hundreds of thousands of dollars and walk the beaches of the world. You can be job optional and wake up at noon, etc.

The reality for many is to sign up full of excitement, and thinking that certainly, some of their friends and family will agree that this is viable. So the new IBO will buy or consume 100 PV and may try to sell a few items. Eventually, this same IBO will talk to family and friends and many of their friends and family will show sour faces as they already had, or know someone who had a questionable or bad experience with an Amway IBO. I myself got tricked into a meeting at one time. They may listen to the standing orders and attend the meetings with the purpose of succeeding as per the plan.

But after a few months, not many people are interested in registering, not many want to buy the products and it gets progressively tough to build contacts and to get new individuals to see the plan. The expenses start to build up. You have products such as laundry detergent or LOC that you don't need to replace but you have your defacto 100 PV quota, so you wind up buying other things to achieve that all crucial 3 percent bonus bracket. By now, you have a cache of domestic products and goods that you never truly utilised prior to Amway, you see that your bank account is dwindling as the products and the other charges such as voicemail and functions are starting to build up.

You finally quit, in some situations with the now former IBO feeling humiliated or guilty that they even got engaged in all this. They disappear and all of their erstwhile "lifelong" IBO buddies could care less. They won't bother to complain about their experience, but may feel the urge to vent if someone raises Amway again.

In the ultimate analysis, the unpleasant experience and financial losses likely came at the hands of an AMO such as Network21, WWDB or BWW, but the attachment of a bad experience will be attributed to Amway. This is a more likely experience than someone quitting their job to stroll the beaches of the world.

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