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Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Return Of Quixtarisacult

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Quixtar? isn't this Amway? I'm sure a number of prospective recruits into the defunct Quixtar pyramid recruitment operation have posed that question. It all seems so comical to me now. Shouldn't people being exposed to the supposed new Amway Global pyramid recruitment plan now ask the question: But isn't this Quixtar?

The former Amway cult became the former Quixtar cult which is now the present day Amway Global cult. A cult by any other name is just as terrible I suppose? The historic terrible history of Amway persists; and yes, it is still a cult, a pernicious (harm doing) cult. They still operate by proselytism of the unsuspecting into a 'closed market fraud' preying on their own with little concern for the thousands of thousands who have historically lost in the Devos/Van Andel merry-go-round of avarice.

I find it hilarious that Amway is now willing to cough out well over 100 million dollars to re-compensate present and former 'associates' who GOT SCAMMED by Quixtar! Of course they confess no wrongdoing? Of course they settled pyramid scheme claims made by former 'associates' out of court.

I'd really like to say to all those former Quixtar Independent Business Operators I TOLD YOU SO! Of course that can appear like gloating which it is. The truth has always been out there, waiting to be discovered. The writing has been on the wall with Quixtar/Amway for quite some time. David Brear, a British-born author and Amway critic, invented the term "The Financial Holocaust" to describe the company's financial woes. Indeed, the history of Amway reads like a detective novel. Despite the fact that I become tired of rehashing the same negative themes about Amway, there is always the chance that even one potential recruit will be spared the agony of discovering the unpleasant truths about Amway after the money has been depleted.

Simply said, Quixtar appears to be an apt word for the Amway cult. So, what exactly did they think they were doing? Isn't it time that this Quixtar saga was served up cold and slapped in Amway's face on a regular basis? Not to mention, the very modest amount of their swindled money that Amway is coughing up to pay with the 'taken' in their erstwhile Quixtar Cult is important.

Amway is able to resolve their pyramid scheme issues outside of court once more, allowing the company to continue operations. In spite of just minimal modifications to their meticulously crafted ruse, they continue to entice unsuspecting (or greedy) victims around the world and carry on their swindle unabated. It goes without saying that this is the bad news. There may be a check in the mail, as well as some fairly basic Amway products, for individuals who have lost thousands of dollars in the Quixtar horror. When you set out to mislead others and recruit them into your scam, things may go wrong in unforeseen ways. You're in luck!

"I guess the Amway slot machine chimes in with a few of cherries, rather than the three gold bars that had been promised before."

The suggested settlement may still be in the hands of the presiding judge, who has the last say on the matter. If the allegations of Amway corruption are true, you would expect the Department of Justice to take a close look at them. I assume the Department of Justice will simply accept Amway's assurances that they are not admitting any wrongdoing by settling the lawsuit. This is all playing out in the same manner as previous Amway incidents. Amway observers and detractors have excellent reason to be pessimistic about the company!

The Return of Quixtar as a cult is a contentious issue that has been argued by a great deal of industry professionals over the past few years. Over the course of its history, the multi-level marketing corporation once known as Quixtar and currently operating under the name Amway has been subjected to a number of allegations that it functions in a manner similar to that of a cult.

In the early 2000s, Quixtar was subjected to extensive criticism for its commercial methods as well as allegations that the company was involved in activities similar to those of cults. Former members of Quixtar have asserted that the corporation employed high-pressure recruitment and retention strategies, and that members were encouraged to sever ties with friends and relatives who did not participate in the organization. These allegations have been supported by a number of former Quixtar members. In addition to this, there were allegations of financial abuse and manipulation, as well as complaints of members having an inordinate amount of influence over their personal life.

In spite of these allegations, Quixtar conducted business as usual and in 2009 changed its name to Amway. Since then, efforts have been made by the corporation to disassociate itself from its problematic history by highlighting its dedication to ethical business practices and responsible entrepreneurship.

On the other hand, there are many who believe that the Amway organization still maintains some of the cult-like characteristics that were present in Quixtar in the past. As evidence of a cult-like attitude, they point to the fact that the firm engages in high-pressure sales practices and places a strong priority on expanding its membership base. In addition, some people who used to be members of Amway have come out with allegations of financial exploitation and manipulation, suggesting that the company may still engage in such tactics today.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all firms that engage in multi-level marketing are cults, and that many lawful enterprises use business structures that are quite similar to those of MLMs. However, there is a fine line between legitimate business methods and behaviors that are reminiscent of cults, and it is crucial to be aware of the warning indications of an organization that has the potential to cause harm.

In conclusion, the revival of Quixtar as a cult is an intricate and contentious matter that continues to be discussed and contested by both industry professionals and ex-members of the group. Despite the fact that Amway has made efforts to separate itself from its contentious history, there are others who believe that elements of Quixtar's background that are reminiscent of cults are still present within the organization. It is vital to be aware of the warning indications of a potentially harmful organization and to approach any business opportunity with a critical eye and a commitment to ethical standards. It is also essential to be aware of the warning signs of a potentially harmful organization.

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