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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Free Enterprise Day (FED) Is Coming!

Individuals have the option to make their own economic decisions, free of government restraints, and as private profit-potential firms within a free market economic system, according to Wikipedia.

According to Joecool, the Amway opportunity has nothing to do with the concept of free enterprise. Additionally, in addition to these legislative restrictions, the Amway organisation itself has several restrictive aspects, such as no advertising without the authorization and approval of the Amway corporation, and so on.

As a member of the IBO, I was invited to a function dubbed Free Enterprise Day (FED). This year's convention was hosted in San Diego at a convention facility. When I went, I recall being giddy with anticipation and joining in on the excitement. However, when I look back with a critical eye, I can honestly declare that it had absolutely no effect on the growth of my company. Sure, it provided some motivation, but coming from Hawaii, a trip to the mainland in October, including rental cars and a hotel, cost me more than $1,000. It is simply not worth the expenditure when compared to the benefits my company received as a result of it. I would have preferred to have gone on a holiday somewhere else.

Furthermore, the Amway business as an Independent Business Owner (IBO) is not a free enterprise. An IBO is a commission-based salesman who does not receive a guaranteed salary or any other benefits. With contrast to other sales vocations, in this one, hard work does not equate to success. It is possible to work extremely hard yet obtain little in return. Furthermore, a significant portion of an IBO's company expenses are not for commercial purposes, but rather for training and motivation. The responsibilities of an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) are to sell products and sponsor downline. That's basically it, although some IBOs have deluded themselves into believing that they are legitimate business owners with legitimate expenses. If only more IBOs were aware of this, they would be able to generate a net profit (even without the use of tools) and would be motivated by net monthly profits.

Unfortunately, upline executives deceive their subordinates into believing that independent business owners (IBOs) are participating in free enterprise when they are not. An independent business owner (IBO) is, at best, a middleman distributor, and, at worst, a commission salesperson. That is not the definition of free enterprise. What's even worse is that I conducted some research into renting space or convention halls and discovered that they can be hired for a low cost or even for free if the conference brings a large number of tourists to the area. Check it out for yourself. Free enterprise, if there is such a thing, is defined as your upline's tools business. Unfortunately, for independent business owners, free enterprise day is not free.

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