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Monday, August 30, 2021

A Diamond Is Forever?

 Recently, I came across an interesting conversation regarding how receiving a diamond pin is comparable to winning a gold medal. That it is not taken away from you later, even if you no longer meet the requirements. The conversation also moved on to the subject of former US President Jimmy Carter still being addressed as Mr. President, which was brought up in the course of the conversation. Alternatively, it is possible to address someone who wears a superbowl ring as a superbowl champion. While I agree with you to a certain extent, I believe the topic of diamond or former diamond is crucial and distinct from issues such as former President Carter or a previous Super Bowl Champion, for example. When Terry Bradshaw or Joe Montana win the Super Bowl, they don't go around acting like they just won the Super Bowl the year before.

The diamond pin is unquestionably a big accomplishment. It appears that it has become even more difficult to attain in North America in recent years. I'm not aware of more than a handful new diamonds emerging in the United States in the last ten or fifteen years. For example, if a diamond qualified in 1988 and never qualified again, how would you feel as an IBO about paying to hear this diamond speak function after function, and how many people would continue to buy standing orders from a guy who qualified for diamond 20 years ago and never qualified again? Is it likely that the audiences will be "enthused" by these speakers? In addition, I find this hilarious because many Amway defenders are quick to accuse Amway detractors of having an outmoded perspective on their own company. A one-time diamond, on the other hand, would be essentially the same as a perpetual diamond. Otherwise, Joecool should be seen in the same regard as a 4000 PV Eagle, which was my highest ranking at the time.

I have no problem with Amway enabling achievers to wear their highest pin as a symbol of their accomplishment, but I believe that those who use their former pin status to exploit and profit from new IBOs and prospects should be barred from continuing their practise. Certainly, I wouldn't have been overjoyed had I been invited to a party a decade ago where the keynote speaker had gone AWOL for 6 months and was no longer eligible. He will train me to go diamond and fall apart if I don't, according to my upline's definition. I believe there are less diamonds in North America today than there were ten years ago. Some diamonds have resigned, and others have completely left the company. As for residual or passive income, that's a myth. Obviously, if these things existed, no one would be willing to give up their residual income or walk away from it.

By the way, according to a recent post on the Amway Corporate website, passive income is as follows:

"We do not permit distributors to use the term "passive income," and the Corporation does not use the term "passive income." When it comes to our firm, there is no such thing as doing nothing and expecting money to continue to flow in.” Link:

You're still under the impression that there's a free trip at the end of the tunnel?

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