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Monday, August 30, 2021

Amway Alternatives?

 One of the most amusing things that IBOs frequently say is that someone who looks at Amway with a critical eye should suggest feasible alternatives to the company. In other words, if someone saves your life by preventing you from jumping off a cliff, they should have warned you and provided you with choices, right? If I identified that you were being duped by a conman, should I not first look for legitimate financial investments for you before telling you about the probable scam you are going to enter into? Although it appears to be absolutely absurd, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have actually posted those remarks on this blog and on other Amway-related websites.

Let's have a look at a couple of them just for fun, shall we? What do you think of being at home and doing absolutely nothing? Most independent business owners would be better off financially if they did not devote their time and money to Amway's products, as well as their inadequate training materials and activities. If you are truly committed to tools, giving your upline a check for $50 per month and refraining from purchasing Amway products or related training materials would be beneficial to your financial situation.

Having a second job that pays you is a preferable option. While there is no hype or expectation of becoming wealthy in 2-5 years, you may make significant contributions to your future by setting aside a percentage of your wage each month. This is especially true if you are a teenager or young adult. Anyone, on the other hand, may make a difference in their own future by saving and investing. Even someone who pan handles is more likely to have greater net cash than the majority of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs). Because of the costs associated with training materials such as CDs and seminars, the vast majority of IBOs who specialise in business development actually make a net loss on their investments.

Yes, some people do make money in Amway, and other people make a lot of money in the business. But the problem is that they make their money by exploiting their downlines, which means that those hopeful downlines are effectively out of luck. In other words, you make money by selling fake hope and false aspirations to people who are desperate for them. Essentially, being a conman in Amway can lead to financial success. Can you live with yourself if your only goal is to make money at any cost? They sell you on Amway as a financial vehicle, but then they turn around and tell you that cds, books, and functions are the keys to success, and then they make substantial profits selling those materials, regardless of whether or not you make any money or suffer significant financial losses.

I haven't even touched on the amount of time wasted chasing down leads and attending events and parties. While chasing the 2-5 year dream, it is possible that the most important item you have is your time. Consider the following question. Where have all of the gems gone who completed the 2-5 year plan and are now living in luxury and doing nothing? I'm not aware of any/ Do you know of any?

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