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Monday, August 30, 2021

Fired Up IBO Quits And Fails Amway?

 Check out this blog post from an Amway and WWDB Independent Business Owner (IBO) from 2010. He has expressed an interest in retiring, and the year 2016 is fast approaching. This IBO (Shaun Guthrie) was the author of a blog called WWDB Expeditions Of Truth, which is no longer active, and Shaun is no longer an IBO, according to his LinkedIn profile. I would suppose that he gave up and was unsuccessful. The only thing I can notice on his Twitter account right now is that he's not talking about Amway, residual income, or his plans to retire in another year. I wish him the best of luck in his attempts and hope that he is able to realise his goals, but I also recognise that this was never going to happen through Amway. You can see that Shaun made some rather bold assertions in this statement, which was written in 2010 and posted on the internet. Continue reading.............

"The Free Enterprise Day celebrations in Portland will take place this weekend, and with that, I will have reached the one-year mark in my career. I've also reached the one-year anniversary of the launch of this blog and the location where it all began. I started it while attending a Free Enterprise Day event and assisting Lindsay (wife) in what I initially considered to be an utterly dumb, unlawful, and potentially destructive endeavour that would tear us apart and destroy our marriage. It turned out to be the complete opposite.

Scepticism in moderation is not inherently evil, and boy did I have a lot of “moderate” scepticism during my time in the military. After 5 months of thorough research, which included visiting the Amway website, the Better Business Bureau, researching the company's history, Industry Canada, and, yes, even reading all of the negative blogs on the internet, I came to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with the business and what it stood for. One of the most compelling reasons for me to enter the business world was the environmental stewardship that this company promoted, and I believed that I would be able to support that and have no difficulty in marketing those excellent products. The World Wide Dreambuilders, on the other hand, piqued my interest, and instead of putting a wedge between my husband and me, it has actually served to strengthen our marriage even more than it was the year before. What kind of business could pull something like that? Because it is based on sound traditional principles such as marriage, relationships, personal growth, and living debt-free. If I may say so myself, they are not horrible values.

So I say one year because it has been one year since I married my wife, and it has been one year since we became one and made the decision to actually develop something together. Since then, we've reached some significant milestones while also experiencing some setbacks, which is to be expected in any endeavour in life. We've been able to eliminate a significant amount of consumer debt that we would have continued to owe if it weren't for the excellent coaches and mentors we've had over the years. The fact that we have been able to follow in the footsteps of our instructors means that we are almost exactly where they are, which is a testament to the power of repetition. As a result, I have retired my wife from the workforce, ensuring that she will never again have to give her very best to another guy. We will be able to raise our children without ever having to experience what it is like to be in a daycare or a day home. No offence to anyone, but it is not how we would like to raise our children; rather, we would prefer to instil our own beliefs and be present at every stage of their development.

Looking to the future, we are quite excited to hit Double Eagle Ruby late next year, at which point I will be walking away from my profession so that I never have to work for another man's dream again and can give my all to them and their endeavours. I am confident that we will put forth significant effort to ensure that my children always have me at home when they require assistance and do not have to wait for me to return home from work. I look forward to the days when we can take our children out to the ski hill during the weekdays rather than on weekends, when it is less crowded and less crowded. I look forward to being able to see my parents whenever we want with the kids, rather than having to schedule a specific amount of vacation time or attempting to squeeze in a long weekend. There are so many things we are looking forward to in our second year of operation, and we are confident that, thanks to the great examples that have come before us, we will be able to achieve them.

So please do not misinterpret what I'm saying; these are our objectives and things we wish to accomplish. To be clear, I am not arguing that you must start your own business. I've picked this vehicle to help us achieve our objectives and realise the vision we've set for our family. You are under no need to agree with me, and that is totally acceptable. I just hope that you and your family have access to a vehicle that will help you to achieve everything you have set out to do for yourself and your family.

Here's to another successful year!"

Individuals who want to become financially independent and launch their own business may find that being a member of a multi-level marketing company like Amway presents them with an exciting opportunity. However, not everyone who enters the world of multi-level marketing (MLM) is successful, and some of those people may find themselves leaving the industry after only a short while or failing to accomplish the things they set out to do. One person who fits this description is a Fired Up IBO who gave up on Amway and ended up failing there.

Someone who joins Amway with a lot of vigor and excitement is said to be a Fired Up IBO. They are frequently pushed on by the assurances that they will achieve financial independence and will be able to work for themselves. On the other hand, as people start their adventure with Amway, they could run into obstacles and problems that are difficult to overcome.

Building a profitable downline is one of the most difficult problems that independent business owners confront. In the realm of multi-level marketing (MLM), success is frequently defined by the number of individuals who join your team as well as the amount of sales those people create. However, creating a downline and recruiting new members takes a significant amount of time and work, and there is no guarantee that one will be successful in this element of the business.

Keeping a steady income is another obstacle that independent business owners must overcome. It's possible that some IBOs will have initial success, but it doesn't mean their income won't be subject to fluctuations depending on sales and the performance of their downline. Because of this, one's financial situation may become unstable and uncertain, which is a source of stress and discouragement.

In spite of these obstacles, there are certain Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who are able to attain success and financial independence through Amway. On the other hand, some people may decide that the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry is not for them and give up on it.

Choosing to leave Amway can be a challenging choice for Fired Up IBOs because it frequently requires them to give up on their goals of achieving financial independence and beginning their own business. However, it is essential to keep in mind that leaving Amway does not necessarily signify a lack of success in any way. It is possible to obtain skills and information from the experience, as well as to learn from the event, and then use those skills and knowledge to explore future chances.

IBOs need to be aware that success in the multi-level marketing industry is not a given in order to properly prepare themselves for the industry. It is necessary to approach the business with a realistic understanding of the challenges and risks that are involved. While the promise of financial freedom and the option to work for oneself can be alluring, it is important to approach the business with a realistic understanding of the obstacles and risks that are involved.

There are numerous alternative options available to investigate for people who ultimately make the decision to part ways with Amway. There are many other ways to achieve financial independence and success, such as beginning a traditional company venture or pursuing a profession in an area that offers competitive salaries.

In conclusion, despite the fact that some Fired Up IBOs may give up and fail at Amway, it is essential to keep in mind that success in the multi-level marketing industry is not a given. It is not possible for everyone to be successful in building a successful downline and keeping a steady income because these challenges can be difficult to overcome. Nevertheless, leaving Amway does not automatically equate to being a failure, and there are a great many alternative opportunities to investigate. It is necessary to enter the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector with a realistic grasp of the hurdles that are involved, and it is also important to be open to investigating various avenues that can lead to success.

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