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Monday, August 30, 2021

Amway IBOs Are Free!

 Financial Independence is a reality! That was one of the most important battle cries I heard when I was recruited to work for the Amway company. By generating residual or passive income, you can obtain greater control over your time and finances. That is what it means to have actual financial independence. You get up at noon, have no obligations, and are free to do anything you want, whenever you want. As far as I recall, the speaker stated that those who were broke or unemployed also enjoyed freedom, but it was different since they were broke and could not afford to go golfing or engage in other leisurely pursuits that necessitated the expenditure of money on an ongoing basis.

I'm going to assume that this is still the situation for many independent business owners. Of course, upline leaders may include a disclaimer that you will not get wealthy quickly as an IBO, but, based on my own experiences with IBOs, the presentation appears to still include the financial freedom and residual income themes in the pitch. IBOs continue to believe that they will get wealthy. Aside from that, 2-5 years sounds like a "get rich quick" scheme to me.

Never the less, financial independence would be a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong. Who wouldn't want to be 35 years old and have enough money to never have to work another day in their life? I mean, I could spend a good deal of time fantasising about how much fun that would be. It would also be entertaining to speculate about what you would do with all of the money if you were to win the Powerball prize. However, for those of you who are starry-eyed IBOs, I merely have a few of questions for you to consider. Here are a few questions that you should be asking yourself on a regular basis. The answers to these questions will reveal a great deal about you.

1. Is there anyone in your group or upline who has actually attained financial independence? Have you seen their financial statements or simply a display of luxury, such as mansions and expensive cars, to determine their wealth? Mansions and expensive automobiles could simply be a colossal mound of debt. There were diamonds who had their homes foreclosed on not so long ago, as well as a triple diamond who was reportedly in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings. Look into whether anyone in your group/upline has actually attained the achievement that they are claiming to have achieved while they are recruiting you. Moreover, if they are financially independent, why do they continue to labour at event after event? Traveling and speaking may not be considered traditional jobs, yet they are nonetheless considered to be work.

1. Find someone who is retired and golfs every day due of Amway residual revenue. 2. Ask yourself what the chances are that you will be able to attain the same achievements. If diamonds are still effective, what are your chances of achieving success in Amway if you are fresh or seasoned, and have few or no downline to draw on? If you were to play the lottery, your chances of winning would be significantly higher than your chances of earning a big residual income from your Amway business. Also, I'm not aware of any Amway retirees who have grown their businesses once and then retired without receiving any major residual income from the company. Do you agree?

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