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Monday, August 30, 2021

Is Lying Necessary To Promote Amway?

 Since I began blogging about Amway Independent Business Owners and the potential, I've witnessed a great deal of dishonesty. As an IBO, I witnessed upline leaders flat-out lie, claiming that they did not make any money from tools. A great deal of bad business advice was given by them, and they were never held accountable for their deception. According to what I've heard, not much has changed, and IBOs are still being given some of the same BS about the business as they were before. When it comes to defending Amway and multi-level marketing in general, IBOFightback, aka David Steadson, is a dishonest liar, according to his own admission. After being forced to confront the evidence, he would resort to personal attacks against me and other critics. Ironically, many of Amway's staunchest defenders have never appeared to have made any money from the company themselves. Are there any days when you wonder why diamonds never "walk away" from Amway in order to get the fabled residual income?

Amway representatives are frequently forced to spin and justify their outrageous rates. Amway's trademark vitamin double X retails for about $80 for a one-month supply, making it the most expensive vitamin available. WalMart and Costco both have multivitamins that are good for 3-6 months of use. In defence of their vitamins, defenders will point to their superior quality or phytonutrient content, but they will be unable to provide any neutral scientific evidence that their vitamins are superior to others. Their products are concentrated, they'll claim, as another another justification for their high costs. (I hope you don't spill any of the Amway potions while you're mixing them.) Something else that strikes me as amusing is that I don't see the phrase "concentrated" anywhere on any of Amway's products. Is this claim regarding Amway's products real, or is it just another fabrication?

Even the argument that people receive residual income is a bit of a stretch. Despite the fact that it is theoretically feasible for someone to gain residual income, in practise, the attrition rate would quickly wipe away any residual income you could have earned in the beginning. It will be gone in the blink of an eye, much like a sandcastle on the shoreline. Diamonds and crown ambassadors, I suppose, are chosen for this reason because they never retire and continue to work until their deaths. The Amway owners, on the other hand, may be reaping the benefits of residual revenue, but that is another storey.

So, why is dishonesty and lying a component of the Amway (for Independent Business Owners) promotion process? Because the reality is that everything is not as it appears. Because individuals would be unlikely to be interested in the business opportunity or the items if they were not deceived in some way.

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