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Monday, August 30, 2021

The Mysteries Of Amway?

 After hearing about Amway for the first time, I was asked to a presentation at a high-end hotel in the area. The diamond arrived in his Mercedes Benz and was taken to the stage by a group of people, where he received a thunderous applause. As a successful Amway salesman, I believed it was appropriate, but I couldn't see why he was deserving of such an enthusiastic response from the audience. In his introduction, the presenter stated that the diamond belonged to the top one tenth of one percent income category in the United States of America. Now that we know how much money a diamond can bring in, that may have been a risky claim to make in the first place. Not to mention the fact that diamonds are likely to incur large business expenses if they are flying to and from functions on a consistent basis throughout the year.

When the presentation continued, the diamond discussed how he had been able to capitalise on several business trends and had been able to generate a profit. He talked about waking up at noon and basically doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, for the rest of his life. He was in a position of financial independence. There will be no more cutting coupons or struggling to "just get by." While he recognised that he didn't have "millions" (yet), he did have the freedom of not having to work anymore. He talked about the possibilities available to you if you have the necessary time and resources. He stated that he would be able to travel, take care of his parents, care for his wife and children, and generally just enjoy life at a young age without having to work any longer. Why all of these diamonds were still working when the plan said that they could "walk away" from Amway and continue to get willable residual income for the rest of their lives was beyond me. The diamond stated that he "liked" his downline and that he would continue to work to assist them. There must, however, have been a diamond somewhere that had "walked away" and was now earning enough residual income to allow its owner to live in luxury. The mystery remains unsolved because I am not aware of a single diamond who has taken advantage of this opportunity. What's more unusual is that there have been diamonds and above who have completely abandoned Amway, as well as several crown ambassadors who have died while still employed by Amway.

My upline platinum was always pushing the tools on us, and he and other leaders frequently encouraged people to get out of debt, which was a good thing. However, when it came to purchasing tools, he and other leaders would say it was acceptable to go into debt. As if that was a good idea no matter how bad your company was doing at the time. Why would someone who has minimal sales and probably no downline invest in tools unless the tools were assisting in the growth of the company's business? Instead, it was the tools that caused so many independent business owners to go into debt and lose money. If I hadn't invested in tools, I would have made a net profit as an IBO, but my trusted upline promised me that investing in tools would eventually lead to financial independence and financial security. The lies were obvious to me at the time, but the advise from my upline made perfect sense at the time as well. Because, after all, they had achieved great success, and who were we to reject their wise counsel?

I hope that this piece has helped to clarify some of the Amway enigmas. It clearly appears that there is no actual residual income and that there is no true freedom in this world. Amway is merely in charge of the diamond's job. While there is dispute over how difficult the job of a diamond is, I feel it can be frustrating to intentionally deceive people who place their trust in you because your livelihood depends on it. A diamond can quickly go bankrupt if their downline does not consume their stuff and purchase their tools. Diamonds do not appear to be able to walk away from Amway because they are unable to. If they stop, their business will inevitably come crashing down, and their money from tools would cease quickly as well.

If you are looking for information, this site is jam-packed with my personal experiences and in-depth analysis of the Amway company. Find out as much as you can and ask lots of questions. If your sponsor instructs you to stay away from "bad" information, that's a red flag that they're trying to keep things hidden from you. It will be around if and when you have done your study and are in a position to make informed decisions whether Amway is as fantastic as they claim.

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