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Monday, August 30, 2021

Not Trying Hard Enough?

 In order to avoid being blamed for something, IBOs are trained to hold themselves responsible for not working the business hard enough or not executing things correctly, just as their upline advised. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth than this statement. All that is happening is that the uplines want to be freed of any accountability, so they tell their downlines that failure in Amway is their own (the downline's) fault. Of course, upline is ready to claim credit for any successes, which is understandable. After all, why shouldn't these same leaders be held accountable for the results of their teams? At the same time, I would argue that the sheer number of failures (the vast majority) suggests that upline guidance is questionable at best and utterly worthless at worst.

The reason why hard work does not always translate into success is that an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) is essentially a commissioned salesperson. In commissioned sales, it is possible to work extremely hard for little or no compensation, and at other times, little effort can result in significant profits. However, because Amway has a negative reputation, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are assigned a handicap that most cannot overcome. Getting new people to attend recruitment meetings is difficult enough without taking into consideration their ability to sponsor others. Consider the high and uncompetitive costs of products, and it becomes clear why uplines urge people to buy from themselves rather than selling, which is neither necessary or stressed in any significant way.

The labour involved is really straightforward. Sell products and recruit other independent business owners (IBOs) to your downline so that you may leverage your volume. There are many IBOs who work hard and attend all of the activities and follow all of the processes as specified by their upline, but only a small number of them receive incentives, and the majority of them quit when they discover that the system is broken. It is unfortunate that, in addition to losing money, IBOs are also encouraged to place responsibility on themselves for their own failure. Where is the upline when IBOs are busting their buttocks working really hard and get little compensation? To make matters worse, uplines earn from the sale of training and motivation to their downlines, which further compounds the problem. Why aren't they being held to account?

Some Amway defenders have expressed a desire to sue Amway critics for a potential loss of sales, which I found amusing. What kind of monetary loss has occurred? The majority of IBOs do nothing and eventually give up. The majority of critics, like myself, are merely expressing our personal experiences and thoughts. Many of these statements are genuine and are still occurring today. What about the millions of former IBOs who, it is possible, may have lost billions of dollars as a result of misleading statements that led them to feel they would become wealthy by following upline advice? It's possible that former IBOs should band together and launch lawsuits against unscrupulous upline supervisors who led them astray. Why not hold these decision-makers to account?

However, with Amway, hard work does not equate to success, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong in this regard.

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