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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Are Amway IBOs Honest?

 I've seen so many Amway sales presentations on the internet that I've lost count of how many I've seen. It's reasonable to assume that many of these IBO recruiters were trained by the same LOS, such as WWDB or BWW, given that many of them sound the same, or at the very least quite similar. Another big issue I see with the Amway opportunity is that large groups of individuals are being taught lies or unethical techniques of running their businesses or recruiting. This is one of the most serious issues I see with the Amway opportunity. Amway supporters prefer to point out that 10,000 or even 100,000 independent business owners (IBOs) is a modest number in the context of Amway's global network, which comprises approximately 3 million IBOs. What many Amway apologists will not mention is that, according to reports, most LOSs teach the same fundamental doctrines, making IBO misuse a big problem.

I do not believe that a person can establish a substantial Amway business just on the basis of ethical recruitment and retention techniques. In the past, and even now, many independent company owners (IBOs) were clueless about the tools industry and how you actually got a piece. Some groups have misled in the past, claiming that they did not make any money from the tools they sold. One group even went so far as to claim that their tool firm was a non-profit organisation. The truth about the tools was eventually found by downline Independent Business Owners (IBOs), and then uplines began to admit that they had benefitted from the tools and began to share some information with their downline about the system. These same uplines, many of whom are still active today, have, on the other hand, never been held accountable for their previous dishonesty and fraud. Diamonds who divorced or did anything humiliating were either not acknowledged or just gone from history, according to the revisionists. And the IBOs fell for the ruse.

Can you, on the other hand, develop an Amway business on the basis of complete honesty? I think it's possible, but in the United States, it'd be practically hard to accomplish. Many potential recruits will get sick to their stomachs just by hearing the term Amway mentioned in passing. It is for this reason that some uplines developed the curiosity approach, and why some IBOs resort to outright lying in order to get individuals to join the plan. My first prospecting experience occurred more than two decades ago when I was invited to a college "beer bust," only to arrive and find folks in suits in a home with the white board instead. It is for this reason that I observed people leaving board meetings when the name "Amway" was uttered.

So, if you're an IBO or simply looking for information, I believe this is a perfectly fair and appropriate question for you to ask. Is it possible to develop a long-term Amway business on the basis of integrity? So far, what have you seen or experienced has been eye-opening. Do you believe that what I have said is logical and truthful, and that it will be worthwhile for you to invest your time and money in building this business? That is something only your conscience will be able to decide.

It is impossible to determine with absolute certainty whether or not all Amway IBOs (Independent Business Owners) are trustworthy because they are made up of a collection of individuals. However, Amway has established a code of ethics and business conduct that all Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are supposed to observe. This code contains requirements surrounding honesty and integrity in the commercial processes that they engage in.

Within Amway's code of ethics, the need to be truthful and accurate in all marketing and promotional materials is regarded as one of the most important guiding principles. This includes refraining from making deceptive statements about Amway goods or the business opportunity itself, as well as being forthright about the potential for income and success as an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO).

In addition, Amway requires all of its Independent Business Owners to comply with all laws and regulations that are in effect, not only in the United States but also in any other countries in which Amway does business. This covers legislation pertaining to consumer protection, advertising and marketing activities, and other areas that potentially have an impact on the business's honesty and integrity.

Although there may be isolated instances of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) participating in unethical or dishonest business methods, the overwhelming majority of IBOs run their businesses with honesty and integrity. Amway has provided its Independent Business Owners with training and education concerning the most effective methods for marketing and promoting the business opportunity and products as part of its efforts to encourage ethical behavior among its IBOs.

In the end, it is up to every single Amway Independent Business Owner to behave themselves in a manner that is both honest and ethical. However, Amway's code of ethics and business behavior provide a framework for fostering honesty and integrity among its Independent Business Owners (IBOs), and many IBOs take this obligation seriously and incorporate it into their day-to-day company operations.

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