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Thursday, August 19, 2021

My Upline Has Credentials?

 I just came across a comment made by an Amway enthusiast that caught my attention. She points out that when evaluating material offered, it is important to take into account the credentials of the person presenting the information.. The fact that you have a sports car or an expensive outfit does not imply financial success in my opinion. What a curious phenomenon it is that they doubt the credentials of everyone but their beloved leaders, some of whom have made outright lies in the past.

To my surprise, not a single upline leader has ever provided verifiable credentials about themselves, which is ironic given the nature of the topic matter. Even if the audience assumes that the individual on stage have impressive qualifications, is this actually the case? Without a doubt, if someone is wearing a diamond pin, for example, it indicates that this person has at least achieved the diamond level as recognised by Amway; however, the level may not be current, and the level does not represent the type of revenue that person makes from Amway. Another benefit of wearing the diamond pin is that it is considered a lifetime achievement, meaning that even if you were diamond for only 6 months in 1982 and never qualified again, you can still display the pin since you are still considered to have attained diamond rank. If that's the case, I suppose Joecool should be referred to as 4000 PV.

Many people believe that diamonds buy their mansions and automobiles in cash, that they wake up at noon every day and spend the rest of the day doing recreational things while the money flows in. This is incorrect. Several new IBOs have told me that their upline earns significantly more money by taking a piss first thing in the morning than a reviewer makes in a year working a traditional job. When several critics offered to take that bet, the IBO went into hushed mode. Those jewels are unlikely to accept that wager.

To be honest, only former diamonds have come forward with information on their Amway earnings, as far as I am aware. They were the only ones that mentioned credentials and accomplishments in their presentations. Indeed, even those who are harshly critical of Amway are frequently forthcoming with information about their own business experiences and accomplishments. It is standard practise in the REAL business world to show business tax returns and credentials as a part of the business transaction process. Supply of credentials and financial statements appears to be a closely guarded secret just within the Amway organisation. Obviously, IBOs and upline leaders should not share their financial information with the entire world, but prospects and some downline members should be able to see how their upline is doing financially, especially if that information is used to justify the purchase of standing orders and function tickets.. And I'm talking about business income and expenses (Amway and Tools) specifically, not income and expenses from other personal sources like employment.

I believe that IBOs and upline leaders withhold that information because it would be detrimental to their own interests to do so. Then they would very likely publish it for free, just as they do with copies of checks that are flashed around the office. Take this to heart, IBOs and prospects, and ask the tough questions of their uplines.

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