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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Returning Amway Tools?

 As part of the recruitment process for Amway, one of the catch phrases I heard was "you are now a business owner." It may sound exciting to be a business owner, but in reality, it appears that Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are essentially Amway sales representatives who are not guaranteed a salary or receive any fringe benefits. In truth, many Amway sales representatives perform a service for the company by recruiting additional Amway representatives without receiving any money. It makes sense, though, because in order to achieve significant levels of success, you must have a downline. It is feasible (though virtually impossible) to reach platinum and even ruby without a downline, but any levels higher than that will necessitate the use of a network of associates.

As a result, there are no minimum sales requirements for Amway salespeople. Although this appears to be a positive development, many uplines will enforce a de facto 100 PV minimum for "serious" IBOs. If you intend to sponsor someone, your upline will most likely inform you that your downline will replicate your efforts, resulting in the "requirement" of 100 PV. The cost of 100 PV is approximately $300. While it is feasible to sell some products, it appears that the majority of independent business owners (IBOs) merely purchase their own goods and do not sell to anybody else. The fact that so many IBOs dispute about the superior quality of Amway products, yet so few former IBOs continue to use Amway products at all once they are no longer IBOs, and even those who do would never achieve 100 PV, perplexes me. So much for that point of view.

Many independent business owners (IBOs) are unaware that their upline diamonds are also salespeople. Additionally, they will sell you voicemail, standing orders, the Premiere Club, parties, and the book of the month, in addition to moving Amway volume. In comparison to Amway products, all of these materials generate a bigger profit margin. As a result, it seems to reason that your upline salesman would choose to offer tools rather than Amway items because the latter generates a higher profit. When your upline tells you that they have your best interests at heart or that you are almost unable to perform without these tools, things get a little murky. Consider your reaction if a vacuum cleaner salesman told you that he has your best interests at heart and that you would be unable to clean your home without his vacuum. Imagine how you would react. Strangely enough, it is exactly what occurs when you purchase tools from your upline. What's worse is that the tools almost never work out for the independent business owners that purchase them. What would you do if you purchased a vacuum that didn't work? You would return it in order to receive a refund. What if the salesperson tells you that you are unable to return it because you have used it?

I find it strange that IBOs are willing to swallow this nonsense from their upline. That you can only return tools that have not been used. You should be able to return a product if it does not function properly! Did you find that the standing order actually assisted you in sponsoring new people? Did you make more sales as a result of your attendance at a function? It shouldn't make a difference whether a tool is in use or not. If the tools do not function properly, you should be able to request a complete refund. If this is the case, IBOs who are unable to return tools should contact Amway and the Better Business Bureau, as well as filing formal complaints. Many independent business owners (IBOs) simply leave and go away, giving the tool dealers a break. If the tools do not function properly, you should return them and request a refund on that basis. I challenge all IBOs and ex IBOs to take on this task.

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