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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Can You Really Trust Your Amway Upline?

 Following my years of observing the activities of diamond's employees, I've reached to the conclusion that many of these men in sharp suits and sparkling smiles are, in fact, cutthroat, cruel businessmen. Not surprisingly, some of them would physically steal candy from a newborn if the opportunity presented themselves. "Never miss a meeting," "do whatever it takes," and other such phrases were frequently repeated during my time at Amway. These kind of things were said to be detrimental to IBOs' ability to succeed in Amway, regardless of the IBO's likelihood of success in Amway. One diamond even proposed that a family forego a dinner because something heard on a tape could change your (Amway) business around for the better, which was counter-intuitive.

Unfortunately, this resulted in a high rate of IBO turnover, bankruptcies, home foreclosures, and IBOs overspending in order to satisfy upline goals, regardless of an IBO's financial performance. Since my tenure in the industry, I believe that all of these independent business owners (IBOs) have left. Furthermore, I would predict that even the most abused IBOs were never prompted to submit complaints because the group was taught that failure was the fault of the IBO, no matter how much effort was put forward.

The magnificent gems will be paraded around the stage, displaying displays of riches such as mansions, private aircraft, sports vehicles, and luxurious vacation destinations. All of this was apparently within reach of the rank and file IBOs if they would simply follow the recommendations of their upline diamonds. It is all a fabrication. As a result of my departure from Amway and WWDB, I feel that more diamonds have resigned or gone on to other opportunities than have emerged. Furthermore, it appears that there are an uncountable number of lawsuits pitting diamonds against diamonds. I feel that these cases are being brought about by a desire for more money. Many people are still unaware of the source of their tools' income. While some leaders may mention that platinums receive a portion of certain tool profits, the specifics of how much and what credentials are required appear to be shrouded in mystery. This was something that Amway accreditation was supposed to correct. However, it appears that the AMOs have strayed outside the bounds of the certification process's intent. It's unfortunate, but not surprising.

What is particularly difficult to accept is the fact that many independent business owners (IBOs), who are often young, driven, and ready to excel, frequently require and/or desire more money. As a result, they are open to the potential that the Amway opportunity will provide them with the "break" that they have been looking for. In order to entice them into the system, their upline will persuade them that the tools (voicemail, books, standing order, and functions) will almost certainly ensure their success, when in fact the opposite is true. When used correctly, the tools virtually assure failure for the great majority of IBOs. The tools are only beneficial to those who sell the tools since they ensure profit. That these uplines engage in this behaviour while attempting to convey the notion that they are mentors to their downline is particularly concerning. Some of these upline mentors would actually take the shirt from their backs, which is something the unsuspecting downline doesn't realise at the time. If you are a new recruit, your upline may lend you or even provide you with some tools to help you appear genuine. The bar will be lifted, however, as soon as you sponsor someone or decide to start a business, and you will be expected to act as a leader and purchase your own equipment.

Beware, many diamond leaders are simply cut throat businessmen wearing a nice suit and a nice smile. Don't get taken in by the pretence.

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