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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Submit To Your (Amway) Upline?

 While thinking back to my IBO days, some of the odd things we did have me laughing, and believe it or not I have reason to believe that some of these things are still taught at my former LOS (WWDB) and that other large groups are also teaching some of these things. Some of these activities, I believe, are the reason why some people characterise to the Amway business as a cult or as possessing cult-like characteristics. It is possible that you are a member of an unethical group if you identify some of these activities. If this is the case, you should ask your upline the difficult questions and potentially reevaluate or reprioritize your involvement in the firm.

One of the things we were informed was that we have to submit to our upline. The members of our group were instructed that upline would never intentionally lead them astray, so we should put our faith in them and never try anything without first consulting upline. After all, upline had years of expertise and was likely to know the answers to all of your questions. Some of the things that were checked uplined were seeking permission to get married, purchase a car or a home, or even something as simple as acquiring a camera, among other things. The upline stated that it would be pointless to check upline before making a camera purchase because someone upline might offer suggestions on how to obtain a good price on a camera. Your upline probably didn't want your disposable income to be spent on anything other than standing orders and functions, so he restricted your spending.

Meetings that start late. Our upline was big on late meetings, with many of them taking place after midnight. To some extent, it was a demonstration of commitment and dedication to one's upline and to the system. In truth, it made most people upset at their jobs because they had to wake up early to go to work. When it came to me, it made me resentful of our upline because the meetings didn't teach us anything useful and instead made us exhausted. We used to hear our upline preach about the importance of time, but it was never essential enough for him to make sure he showed up on time for his own late-night meetings. Another aspect that resembles a cult is sleep deprivation.

Secrets. Every time we inquired about the amount of income our uplines may have been making, we were either told it was none of our concern or handed a photocopy of a bonus check that someone upline may have earned five years ago that we had no knowledge of. It was upline who showed out photographs of sports vehicles and mansions as proof that the business was successful for us. Of course, we now know that some WWDB diamonds had their homes foreclosed on, and that one renowned triple diamond had some business ties with the bankruptcy court. Looking back, I assume that many diamonds have mortgages, which would not be a problem if these leaders hadn't sneered at the supidity of taking out a loan in the first instance. That diamonds may be used to purchase anything, including homes, in cash. My former sponsor continues to live in a dilapidated leased property because he will not purchase a home unless he has the necessary funds. Because my previous sponsor is a physician, I find his attitude on purchasing a home to be completely absurd. Because of his dedication to the system and its functions, his oldest child, a son, is likely to have grown up without his parents' involvement.

Losing money is considered a victory. On numerous occasions, our group was informed that losing money was a sign of success. It was a success because we were making a long-term investment in ourselves. That the business is truly not about making money, but rather about making friends. I guess upline taught this because everyone was losing money at the time, and it was comforting to hear that success was just around the corner, and that we were all nicer people who were well on our way to success if we just went to more gatherings and purchased more standing orders. People who sold aside some of their own belongings in order to attend a function were edified if they did it for the right reasons. Obviously, these individuals were not advised to operate their business within their financial capabilities. Indeed, Upline stated that it was acceptable to incur debt, but only if the debt was used to invest in the business or purchase additional function tickets.

While some of these behaviours appear weird, I believe that they are the result of upline counsel that was self-serving and intended to divert their downline's funds towards the purchase of tooling. It's the only conclusion I can come to at this point. What do you think is the conclusion?

Working closely with your upline, which comprises of the people who brought you into the business and are above you in the organizational structure, is one of the fundamental tenets of the Amway business opportunity. Your upline is comprised of the people who brought you into the business and is above you in the organizational structure. If you want your Amway business to be successful, you need to follow the direction and recommendations of your upline, which means you need to submit to them. In this post, we will discuss the significance of submitting to your upline and the ways in which doing so can be advantageous to your business.

Why is it vital to submit yourself to your upline?

They are seasoned professionals: When it comes to the Amway business, your upline will almost always have more experience and be more knowledgeable than you do. They have already been through the process of developing a successful business, and as a result, they are able to provide significant insights and assistance on how to build a successful business of one's own.

They have a vested interest in your success: Your upline has a vested interest in seeing that you succeed because they know that your success will lead to their own success. Your upline will benefit from the growth of your business and subsequent success just as much as you will. They have an interest in assisting you in achieving your goals since doing so assists them in accomplishing their own objectives.

They can assist you in avoiding making typical errors: You may steer clear of the typical blunders made by first-time Amway business owners by maintaining a tight relationship with your upline. Your upline may guide you on how to avoid making these mistakes and provide you with advice on how to establish a profitable business in a shorter amount of time.

They are able to offer help and encouragement: Constructing a successful Amway business can be difficult at times, and having the support and encouragement of your upline can be extremely beneficial. When you need to chat about your company, they can lend an ear to listen, and when you're feeling down about your business, they can offer words of encouragement to lift your spirits.

How should you present yourself to your upline?

Participate in training events: Amway provides a diverse selection of training events and seminars to assist you in the development of your business. Attend these events on a regular basis and make the most of the opportunity to gain knowledge from your upline as well as other business owners who have achieved success.

Maintain consistent communication: Always remember to stay in contact with your upline and keep the lines of communication open on your business. Inform them of your achievements, the objectives you have set for yourself, and the difficulties you are encountering. They are able to offer direction and assistance based on the precise requirements that you have.

Listen to what they have to say: Your upline possesses both the expertise and the information that can assist you in constructing a profitable business. Listen carefully to what they have to say, and put their recommendations into action in order to strengthen your company.

Keep an open mind: Maintain an open mind to others' comments and be willing to adapt your strategy in response to the guidance provided by your upline. Keep in mind that they have your best interests in mind and want to see you succeed. They are rooting for you to do well.

In conclusion, surrendering to the leadership of your upline is a crucial component in developing a prosperous Amway business. Your upline can provide vital guidance, support, and encouragement to help you reach your goals. You may establish a profitable business and gain financial freedom with the Amway business opportunity if you are coachable, consistently communicate with your upline, accept their recommendations, and attend training events.

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