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Monday, August 2, 2021

Cham, Eddie & Han Amway

 In the late 1960s, Eddie and Han Cham, originally from Malaysia, emigrated to New Zealand, where they established themselves as Diamonds in 2008. 

They established their Diamond business by constructing extensive pipelines 45-50 feet in depth to create regular monthly quantities of 21 percent. 

Eddie Cham has a civil engineering background, which he uses to his advantage. 

He spent more than two decades working for a big city council in New Zealand's capital city. 

As a former science teacher, Han's expertise in the scientific aspects of the Nutrilite and Heathpoint programmes allows her to talk with authority on the subject.

A public gathering held at Rosmini College on August 8, 2008, disclosed that Eddie Cham's sponsor had left Amway, but this had not discouraged him from continuing his business.

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