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Monday, August 2, 2021

Olaru, Ileana & Georgel Amway


  • Diamond July 2006
  • Executive Diamond August 2007
Ileana and Georgel Olaru are two of the most successful Independent Business Owners (IBOs) working for the Amway Corporation, which is one of the leading multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations in the world.

The Olarus are a Romanian husband-and-wife duo who currently reside in the United States. They started working for Amway around the middle of the 1990s and swiftly worked their way up to become some of the most successful distributors. Ileana is well-respected not just for her ability to lead, but also for her experience in the areas of sales and marketing. 

She has been a significant contributor to the growth and success of a variety of Amway's marketing and sales programs over the years. Georgel is well-known for his abilities in management as well as his capacity to motivate and inspire those around him. He has been an essential contributor to the growth and success of a significant number of Amway's leadership and training programs over the years.

The Olaru family as a unit has established an excellent network of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) within Amway, and the corporation has acknowledged them for their achievements in this endeavor. They have reached the pinnacle of success in the Amway business by earning the prestigious Founders Crown Ambassador honor. This award represents the highest level of accomplishment possible.

The Olarus, like with other successful IBOs in Amway, have been the target of criticism from individuals who perceive the multi-level marketing industry as a pyramid scheme.

 Some people believe that the only Amway distributors that make big profits are the company's top distributors, while the bulk of IBOs struggle to make enough money to support themselves. On the other hand, the Olarus have defended the Amway business model by stating that it enables individuals to attain financial success as well as personal development.

The Olarus have achieved a great deal of success within Amway, and in addition to this, they are actively committed in charitable endeavors. 

They have provided financial assistance to a number of philanthropic groups, including those whose missions center on advancing educational opportunities, medical treatment, and social welfare. In addition, they have been honored and presented with a number of accolades due to the significant contributions they have made to the community in which they live.

Ileana Olaru and Georgel Olaru are two successful Independent Business Owners (IBOs) working for the Amway Corporation. They have accomplished the greatest levels of success within the organization and have developed an incredible network of independent business owners. 

The multi-level marketing (MLM) sector has been subjected to criticism over the years; nevertheless, the Olarus have supported the Amway business model and its capacity to create chances for individuals to achieve financial success as well as personal growth. In addition to this, they are interested in charitable activities and have made major contributions to the community in which they live.

Olaru, Ileana & Georgel

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