Tony: Proprietary Business & Ventas, Actor
Wilda is a typographer with a Bachelor's degree in film, radio, and television production.
"One of the most rewarding aspects of my business is the opportunity to travel to other countries to assist people whom you do not know and who approach you after a meeting to tell you that you have helped them change their lives and express their gratitude," Wilda explains. When she considers that "in the business world, it is possible to have that kind of impact on someone's life," she becomes apprehensive.
Earlier this year, Pedro and Patsy Lizardi reached out to them, and their lives were forever changed once they heard from Embajador Corona Fundador Tim Foley about the opportunity in Puerto Rico, which filled them with joy and excitement.
The salesman Tony had many businesses and jobs under his belt, selling everything from automobiles to graduation caps and gowns, video accessories, and language courses from English to Spanish to public relations to name a few. Tony explains that he didn't care about the goods because "we had food to eat."
Downline Diamonds
- Morales, Tony & Wilda, Diamond, Puerto Rico, EFinity
- Morales, Ivan & Millie, Diamond, Puerto Rico, EFinity (Deceased)
- Morales, Ivan & Carmen, Founders Executive Diamond, Puerto Rico, EFinity
- Hernandez, Pedrito & Elsie, Diamond, Puerto Rico, EFinity
- Santos, Claudia, Founders Triple Diamond 20 FAA, Colombia, EFinity
- Gagg, Giselle & DÃaz, Manuel, Founders Diamond, Dominican Republic, DIAMANTES UNIDOS
- Galan, Teobaldo & Maribel, Double Diamond, Dominican Republic, WORLD CROWNS
- Serulle, Elias y Lourdes, Diamond, Dominican Republic, Evolution Global Team
- Galan, Theo Jr , Diamond, Dominican Republic, WORLD CROWNS (2015)
- Gonzalez, Raul & Nathalie, Founders Executive Diamond (2012), Dominican Republic, DIAMANTES UNIDOS
- Reid, Fabian & Raquel,Diamond [2012], Dominican Republic, DIAMANTES UNIDOS
- Aguilera, Alberto and Michele, Founders Diamond, Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Feliz, Ulises & Daisy, Founders Diamond, Dominican Republic, DIAMANTES UNIDOS
- Cohen, Jose & Leity, Double Diamond 2013, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Millán, Damián & Zaily, Diamond 2011, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Gomez, Pavel & Martinez, Lily, Diamond 2011, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Hernandez, Robert & Juanita, Diamond 2011, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Cáceres, MatÃas & Aymara, Executive Diamond 2013, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Martin, Yudit & Reinel, Diamond 2013, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Lorena & Diego Reyes, Diamond, 2015, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Rivas, Santos & Yoladie, Founders Diamond 2014, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Guzmán, Vladimir & Pérez, Yesmir, Diamond 2014, Venezuela TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Rivas, Santos Jr Diamond, Venezuela 2017, TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Valencia, Aramis y Ligia, Diamond 2013, United States TEAMGLOBAL USA
- Otazu, Jose Ramon & Escali, Diamond, Dominican Republic, DIAMANTES UNIDOS
- Rodriguez, Radhames & Lina, Founders Emerald, (1993), Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Espinosa, Ernesto & Gertrudis, Executive Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Matos, Johnny & Paula, Founders Executive Diamond, (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Cid, Victor & Julia, Executive Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Cabrera, Manuel & Lissette, Diamond (2004), Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Burgos, Hugo & Miriam, Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinity
- Sanchez, Gabriel & Olaya, Diamond (2011), Dominican Republic, EFinity