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Monday, August 2, 2021

Jasmin Kaur Deo Amway

 After being introduced to the company, Kamal was told that all he had to do was "draw circles, drink coffee and shake hands" - and that someone would come and assist him in doing so!

It sounded like a straightforward set of suggestions for achieving freedom. It dawned on me that if I was going to become proficient at something, it might as well be proficient at something that would grant me freedom,” he explained.

Originally from Malaysia, Kamal went to Australia in search of a better life for himself and his family. Kamal was working as a computer engineer on submarines in Australia at the time, and Jasmin was working as a plastic engineer at a Barbie doll factory in Malaysia at the time. ”We wished to travel, get up when we were done sleeping, have a fulfilling work, a large number of friends, and be debt-free. Instead, we were strapped for cash and short on time,” he explained.

There are no clear advantages to the firm, which is why Kamal chose to invest his time and resources into growing it after attending an Australian Weekend Leadership Seminar. After a few years, he married Jasmin and chose to return to Malaysia, where the two of them started a business together. The recruiter informed Jasmin that anything less than 40 years is considered a bonus.

Their two little daughters, Herlyn and Ashlyn, are the joy of their lives as full-time parents now. The freedom to take the kids out and spend time with the family whenever we feel like it is wonderful, especially during the weekdays.

People are free to choose their own schedules for developing their businesses. Having faith and remaining concentrated over a period of two to five years might yield impressive outcomes. When it comes to running a successful business, Kamal and Jasmin are the first to emphasise that anyone can do so if they are willing to adhere strictly to the standards outlined in the Network TwentyOne method.


  • Direct Distributor July 1995
  • Pearl December 1995
  • Emerald June 1996
  • Diamond March 1998

Jasmin Kaur Deo

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