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Monday, August 2, 2021

Meijroos, Jolande & Fred Amway

 Jolanda worked as an accountant for Fred, who operated a magazine business. 

They lived a comfortable life, but they had lofty aspirations. 

They became aware of this business and began to operate it. 

Their sponsor relocated to the United States, and they are building this business without an upline. 

They put in the effort and, within a short period of time, reach the Platinum level. 

They do not progress to a Platinum pin even after ten years of service. 

They made the decision to do Diamond in 1992, but they had no idea how to go about it. 

They discovered that they must have upine, which will be beneficial to them. 

Fred travels to the United States in order to locate their upline. 

When Tom and Sandra Payne come into their lives, they immediately recognise the importance of the training method. 

After becoming a member of InterNET, go over the stage as a brand new Diamond in 1995. 

Jolande and Fred are still living examples of the effectiveness of the training approach.

Meijroos, Jolande & Fred

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