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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ng Thong Kok, Ricky Amway

 Ricky achieved Diamond status when he was 24 years old. Diamond was the world's youngest diamond at the time.

Downline Diamonds

Ng Thong Kok, Ricky Founders Double Diamond

Tong Lee Sai & Fui Ping Diamond

Yong Fan Hwa & Chen Choo Diamond

Liew Fah Jin & Ching Ing Diamond

Kam Yew & Elsie Wong Diamond

Ng Thong Seng & Kim Fong Executive Diamond

Kun Fock & Soh Cheng Chan Founders Diamond

Diana Choo Double Diamond

Abel Iskandar & Roshni Aziz Executive Diamond

Talib, Zulkifli & Shamsudin, Fathiah Executive Diamond

Jasmin Kaur Deo Diamond

Karthigesu & Sobhana Diamond

Success Story

A Business that can be passed down across generations

Father's Day present

In 1976, my father utilised his retirement funds to purchase a valuable gift for me: a Honda motorcycle. Even though it was only a 70cc motorcycle, it was a dream come true for a teenager like me at the time. Because I had a bike, I was able to move around more at work. After gaining more self-confidence, I travelled from Perak to Kuala Lumpur in search of a chance to pursue my ambition instead of living from paycheck to paycheck. I was well aware that I was on the lookout for a road that would bring me to success. There were numerous business prospects in the city, but to be considered for any of them, you had to meet a number of basic standards first, which could be difficult to meet. Those melancholy events during my first three years in Kuala Lumpur will remain etched in my memory forever. In February 1979, I was introduced to Amway, which provided me with a chance I had been looking forward to. I began establishing my Amway business on a small scale, part-time basis, with the use of my bicycle. It has been 27 years, and during that time there have been numerous stories and moving events that will remain in our hearts as wonderful recollections of the past. Today, what was once a small-scale part-time business has grown into an inheritable profession that provides the highest level of financial stability. Even though I now own a number of high-end automobiles of various makes and models, I haven't forgotten the tiny Honda motorcycle that was once my constant friend. I will be eternally grateful to my father for bestowing upon me this priceless gift that has altered the course of my entire life.

This is the beginning of a dream

In order to attain your objectives, you must plan for success at every stage of the process. Take a look at folks who are successful. Even the way they dress conveys a sense of accomplishment. This does not imply that you must dress in exclusively branded clothing, but that you must maintain a professional appearance, think optimistically, and be inspired by inspirational phrases to succeed. From the inside out, you must display yourself as a successful individual to others. There has to be a plan in your heart that you can see clearly and with confidence. Only then will you be on the correct track to achieving your goals. Confidence converts into a sense of optimism. Incredibly effective, it may reenergize you and bring about incredible improvements in your life! All of this boils down to a fight of the minds, after all. In the event you had realised this sooner, you would not have continued to do exactly what you were doing in the same manner when you knew it was not going to work.

I vividly remember the time when one of my team members and I went door-to-door on our motorcycles to sell AMWAYTM items in a posh residential neighbourhood as a test of our courage and ability to overcome our fears. When I saw those luxurious condominiums, I told my partner that I planned to build my dream home there, using an environmentally friendly design approach. With the assistance of Amway, I was able to realise my dream 27 years after I first set out on my journey. I designed and built a house that is one-of-a-kind, right down to the building materials used in construction. An enormous, century-old home provided 90 percent of the wood utilised in the construction of the structure.

It all starts with a window of opportunity. You must be able to recognise it and keep it from slipping away. Opportunity can be compared to a rough diamond that has not been polished. It takes a trained eye to tell the difference between an ordinary stone and an unpolished diamond. As a result, only people with a visionary mindset are able to recognise and seize chances. I believe that everyone will have the opportunity to make a positive difference in their lives. It is entirely up to you whether or not you will take the risk and make a positive difference in your life.

Facts and Figures

It is entirely up to you whether you will achieve nothing or live a rich life; everything is in your hands.

Here are a few facts to consider:

A. Winship spent the better part of a century tracking down the descendants of two moms. Mrs Sarah Edwards, who lived in the 18th century, was the first of these women. She was the mother of 11 children, all of whom she treated with the utmost love and respect. There were 1400 descendants of this family, of whom 100 were pastoral staff, 100 were attorneys, 80 were in public office (including three United States senators, three mayors, three state governors, one controller of the United States Treasury, and one Vice President of the United States), 66 were doctors, 65 were professors, 30 were judges, 14 were university principals, one dean of a law school, and one dean of a medical school.

Later, he was able to hunt down the second mother, Madam Ida Take, who had lived a life of self-indulgence before succumbing to alcohol poisoning. Madam Take had 700 progeny, 100 of whom were born illegitimate, 181 of whom were prostitutes, 142 of whom were beggars, 46 of whom were criminals who underwent labour rehabilitation, and 76 of whom were convicted felons. Madam Take died in 1899.

There was such a difference between the two moms' influences on their offspring. It is obvious that a different starting point will result in a different end result in this situation. Now let's take a look at your own life. The amount of effort you put out today will have a significant impact on the life your family will lead in the future. What if your family or business group had the following achievements: 100 Direct Distributors, 100 Sapphires, 80 Emeralds, 66 Diamonds, 65 Executive Diamonds, 30 Double Diamonds, 14 Triple Diamonds, 1 Crown and 1 Crown Ambassador? If this is the case, you must take immediate action. It all starts with you.

My father left me a priceless gift: a modest Honda motorcycle to aid me in the development of my Amway business. Today, I have an equally precious yet distinct gift for my family — an inheritable Amway business that has the potential to make a significant contribution to their success. Consider the gift you intend to give to your family in the future. What exactly have you in mind?

a code of conduct for those who achieve success

1. Do not associate with folks who are looking for problems. Make a pact with those who are issue solvers. 2. Never let an obstacle or an objection get in the way of your goals. 3. Make use of your foresight and resolve to secure all of the resources you require. To reach your objectives, you must engage in appropriate training.

Even the most ordinary man has the potential to change the world.

Success Story 1973 – I started as an apprentice in Ipoh, Malaysia, earning only RM1.50 per day at the time.

In 1976, there was a lone ranger.

travelling to Kuala Lumpur in pursuit of my ambitions en route

After joining Amway in February 1979, my entire life was transformed. I was constantly on the move, leading an even more hectic life than I had during my working days. It was challenging at first; I had put in a lot of effort and persevered for a long period of time, but had yet to see any tangible results or produce any cash. My self-assurance was put to the test, and the result had a profound influence on me. For a split second, I considered the notion of abandoning ship and walking away. I was able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I was able to move on my own to Kuala Lumpur to pursue my aspirations! “I must not give up until I have achieved my objectives!” Failure was never an option for me — accomplishing my goals was and would always be the only conclusion that was acceptable. From that point on, I realised that having the highest tenacity and dedication is the key to achieving success.

1980 – I had significant improvements in both my personal and financial circumstances.

1981– I began working with Amway to realise my lifelong desire of travelling the world, where we had innumerable fantastic experiences together.

1982 – At long last, I was successful in obtaining the highly wanted Diamond pin, and I began living a full and exciting life after that.

From 1982 until 2005, my everyday life moved at a quick but satisfying pace; there were obstacles to overcome, but there were also unforgettable moments of boundless bliss. You could ask if there are any additional problems that I could confront in my current job. To put it another way, life itself is a test that never fails to provide obstacles and legends in equal measure. When your needs and expectations for life are great, there will inevitably be obstacles to overcome. Allow me to share some of my life experiences with you. Despite my humble upbringing, I had managed to overcome a number of obstacles and develop the skills necessary to exist in such difficult conditions. I learned a valuable lesson during those trying times: that destitution and suffering are the foundations of true confidence and self-development. Keep going; tackle each difficulty and adversity head on so that you can enjoy the results of your labour.

What do you hope to achieve in life?
  • Most agonising – an impoverished childhood.
  • Most helpless – having to wait and look for opportunities.
  • Most difficult to achieve – finding a promising business opportunity.
  • Most challenging – putting in effort and sticking to your goals no matter what happens.
  • Most sought-after – success and the ensuing rewards.
  • Most memorable – soaring over the world with Amway for 26 years.
  • Most true-to-the-heart – eternal friendship.
  • I paved my way and created a legend of my own!
  • Hard work speaks louder than a thousand words!
  • A glorious new chapter in your life is about to unfold.

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