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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Rebeca Bringas & Delfino Treviño Amway

 The case of Rebeca and Delfino is an inspiration for many, especially for their children, also Amway Entrepreneurs: “they have gained a higher level of credibility in their own businesses and have consciously decided to go to the next level for themselves”.

That is why the new Founding Diamonds feel committed to strengthening more businesses in the Mexican territory, a very special way of thanking and continuing the work of Mario Oliveros, Amway Entrepreneur who sponsored them when they started and died 15 years ago: “ We must continue to be an example of prosperity and support with our work all those who decide to start this wonderful adventure ”.

"I have worked as a professional for 20 years, and have been an Amway Entrepreneur for the same amount of time," Delfino proudly tells us, "each year our quality of life improves tremendously." For Trevio, this is motivation enough to keep working, but also to support more companies seeking financial independence for themselves and their families: in short, they reconfirm their commitment to helping more people live better lives. 

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