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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Diana Choo Amway

 It had been suggested to Simon and Diana numerous times that they visit the Amway business, but they had refused to go until the ninth try, when Simon was introduced to the Network TwentyOne System. This time, however, he noticed something odd.

It was at that time that they were prepared to relocate from Sydney to Malaysia for family reasons, and they were actively exploring for enterprises that they could start in Malaysia. Simon viewed the Amway business as a vehicle through which he might achieve his goal of becoming a self-employed individual. On arrival in Malaysia, they were met with a number of challenges, including the absence of the Network TwentyOne System, of meetings, of cassettes, of books, and of a top-level sponsor. The cherry on top of it all was that they barely knew five individuals and that Diana was completely against the venture! Simon claims that the reason they were able to grow the firm was because they took individuals to the Weekend Leadership Seminars (which were initially held in Australia) and convinced them to listen to recordings about leadership.

Diana's outlook on life was radically transformed after she participated in a leadership retreat in Hawaii. Diana made the decision at that event that she preferred to be with individuals she cared about rather than be confined to her difficult career as a financial accountant. Since becoming Diamonds, they have more time and energy to dedicate to their two children, Luke and Erin.

Simon and Diana believe that the continuous education programme, as well as the ideals taught by Jim and Nancy Dornan, have assisted them in being more effective parents. According to Diana, ".....we are not merely feeding, clothing, providing shelter, and providing education for these children, which is what most parents do if they are too busy to do it themselves." We have the opportunity to spend time chatting, playing, travelling, and passing on values that are important to us. There is also the benefit of being able to spend quality time with both of their extended families while on vacation.

They honestly feel that the worth of a firm is not solely based on the amount of money it generates. It is having the freedom to spend time with the people you care about.

Chronology of achievements

  • Direct Distributor - July 1995
  • Emerald - July 1996
  • Diamond - August 1997
  • Founders Diamond - August 2002
  • Double Diamond - August 2011

Diana Choo

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