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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Battello, Gianpaolo & Elsido, Manuela Amway


September 2014 Founders Diamond September 2014 Founders Diamond September 2015
Gianpaolo comes from a family of business owners in the tourism industry, and has always had a passion for technology and information technology. 

Has worked in his family's business before pursuing his interests in the worlds of entertainment and information technology, first in the world of theme parks and then in information technology. 

Manuela is from from a family of business owners, formerly served as the production manager for a mobile manufacturing company, and has always been fascinated by the worlds of interior design, fashion, and architecture. 

Strong defender of the family's financial well-being. They now have a more liberated way of life; they travel constantly with one another, something that was nearly impossible for them to do with their previous professions; they have achieved a perfect balance between work and private life. 

Hanno has attained a sense of serenity and freedom. They are major supporters of the Amway principles of liberty, recognition, family, and hope. 

They are also major supporters of the Amway principle of equality. I've always believed that these principles are applicable to one's daily life and should be followed at all times. 

We have immediately joined forces with the founders' vision: to work in an environment dedicated to the development of human potential, founded on the principles of genuine meritocracy, where we may set and achieve goals with those who are most willing to make a difference in their lives.

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