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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Liu, Wingi Amway

 Wingi claims to be a full-time student at a local university. Because she was the Queen of Logistics, she and her subordinate Ying, Lam rose to the status of diamonds at the age of 24.

Wingi Liu is an outgoing young lady who is energetic and ambitious in her personal and professional life. In secondary school, she discovered her passion for sports, and her participation in tournaments enabled her to develop self-confidence and leadership abilities, which were later further developed through her affiliation with Amway.

Wingi was initially drawn to Amway by the company's extensive line of cosmetics, and she joined the company when she was 18 years old without having any specific aspirations. She usually encountered difficulties when attempting to introduce the Amway company to young people, but when she discovered that she was being impacted by Amway's culture, she chose to devote her life to the organisation.

Wingi has amassed a team, a business, a secure income, and a lovely life in just six years. She deserves to be proud. Her health and living level has improved as a result of her involvement with Amway products and business. She aspires to share her Amway experience with her friends, enabling them to live a better life as a result of her efforts.

Liu, Wingi

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