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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Benny Soendoro & Christina Angkasa Amway

 Benjamin Soendoro worked for two international corporations before to joining the company, his most recent job being that of Senior Manager in a Multinational Financial Institution (MNFI). He received his Master's degree in Business Administration. He was brought to the throne by his own brother-in-law, Robert Angkasa, and is now a Crown Prince.

For him and his wife, Christina Angkasa, who previously worked as an accountant for a pharmaceutical company, the Amway opportunity presented itself as an excellent opportunity because the business suited those who desired to be free of the routine job, who desired to have the time to spend as much time as they desired with their children, and most importantly, for those who desired to earn some extra money to help them realise their dreams.

After learning the Network 21 technique, they reached a tipping point in their determination to continue in the business they have created for themselves. They intended to demonstrate to the public that the system is effective if we are committed to being consistent and to remaining focused on the goals that we set for ourselves!!!!!!!

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