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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Matindas, Chris & Rita Amway

 Chris Matindas received his MBA from the University of Michigan in the United States, where he worked for two years for an international accounting firm before landing his last position as Manager in a well-known private bank. Rita Matindas worked for an advertising agency, where she most recently held the position of account director.

Funny things about them: they were both born in the same year, at the same hospital, with the same doctor assisting in the delivery, and both parents knew each other. They reconnected during their first year of university, 17 years after their initial meeting. Both students received their diplomas on the same day. They got their start in the industry when a buddy brought them to a meeting, claiming it was a reunion; nevertheless, it turned out to be an Amway business plan meeting.

Chris joined the team shortly after the presentation, but did not contribute for the next six months. Their first eight months in business were a nightmare, with no results, and they were on the verge of quitting. Only the cassettes and the employees who worked with them were able to keep the company afloat. After attending their first weekend seminar, they were promoted to Silver status eight months later. They are now one of the most popular couples and most sought-after speakers in the world, with a massive business in their group that includes 1 founders double diamond, 17 diamonds, and about one hundred emeralds.

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