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Thursday, August 26, 2021

A Sucker Is Born Every Minute?

 I recently published a post titled "The greatest showman of all time." It was sparked by the film "The Greatest Showman," which is based on the life of PT Barnum and was released in 2013. I was researching the phrase "There's a sucker born every minute" when I came across it. There is some debate regarding who was the first to use that phrase, and it is possible that it was not PT Barnum who invented it. However, it appears to be true in either scenario, and that is the sole reason why Amway and MLMs have not reached saturation.

Consider the implications of this. If Amway entered a small island with a limited number of inhabitants, the opportunity would soon have passed them by, leaving a trail of failures in its wake, and everyone on the island would be aware of Amway's presence on the island. You would be hard pressed to find someone who was completely unaware of Amway's existence. Amway has been in business in the United States since 1959, and the vast majority of adults in the country have heard something about the company, most often something unpleasant. Weakly controlled distributor forces are a major reason why MLMs should be outlawed, and independent business owners (IBOs) employ a variety of deceptive and outright lies to recruit others into Amway's network marketing business. At one point in my life, I was deceived about Amway.

I once heard a diamond state that Amway is not saturated since there are tens of thousands of high schools graduating every year, resulting in millions of people turning 18 and looking for income-generating opportunities. Furthermore, because Amway is typically marketed as a "shortcut to wealth," it is possible that these young people are inexperienced about money and finances, making them more receptive to hearing about it. This is why the adage "a sucker is born every minute" is applicable in this situation regardless of whether Phineas Taylor Barnum stated it or not.

This is how Amway and other multilevel marketing companies stay afloat. Since their attrition rate is so high, they must continue to recruit new employees. Many individuals are attracted to large meetings because of the hype and glamour that surround them. As soon as they join and get started (or as soon as they do nothing and quit), they realise that there isn't a realistic opportunity to make money, and they abandon their efforts. And, I may add, if they aren't producing money, young people frequently don't have the resources to continue to grow Amway over a long period of time. As a result, a large number of people arrive and go. Amway and other multilevel marketing companies will wither away if they are unable to acquire new members on a consistent basis.

Yes, Amway and other multi-level marketing companies rely on the fact that a sucker is born every minute (to recruit new members), but with a little knowledge and due diligence, you may avoid being one of the suckers.

The proverb "A sucker is born every minute" is a common one that conveys the idea that people are naïve and can be readily exploited for their own benefit. P.T. Barnum, an American showman who is well-known for his circus, sideshows, and hoaxes, is the person who is credited with coining the phrase.

This expression gives the impression that people are eager to believe practically anything, regardless of how absurd or unbelievable it may be. They are readily persuaded by seductive advertising, persons with charisma, and misleading promises.

The unfortunate reality is that there are those in our world who will look for opportunities to benefit themselves at the expense of others. There are certain people who would engage in dishonesty in order to achieve their goals, and this can take the form of dishonest salespeople, con artists, or scam artists.

On the other hand, it's essential to keep in mind that not everyone is a "sucker." There are, without a doubt, certain individuals who are more susceptible to cons and deceptions, but there are also a great number of people who are astute and discriminating. They are able to discern when something appears to be too good to be true, and before to making a purchase or investing their money, they will perform the necessary research and analysis.

In addition, it is wrong to brand people as "suckers" simply because they have been exploited, and they have been a victim of this. It's not because many people are easily duped by cons and frauds; rather, it's because the con artists are so good at what they do that so many people end up falling for their schemes. To coerce their victims into handing over their money, they may resort to underhanded strategies, emotional blackmail, or even threats.

It is crucial not to place blame on the victims of fraud and scams; rather, the focus should be on educating people about the dangers of falling victim to such schemes. We can help prevent individuals from being victims of fraud and cons by educating them about the various con games that are now in circulation, as well as by spreading awareness about these games and showing them how to spot and avoid them.

Promoting financial literacy and consumer education is one approach that might be taken in this direction. We can help to empower people to make informed decisions about their money by teaching them about personal finance, budgeting, and saving. This can be accomplished through education. In addition to this, we are able to educate people on how to recognize cons and conspicuous schemes, such as phishing emails, pyramid schemes, and false charities.

A further essential step is to ensure that those who commit fraud or scams are held accountable for their activities. We may send a message that fraudulent behavior will not be allowed in this society by pursuing legal action against those who participate in fraudulent activities. In addition, we can help to prevent fraudsters from preying on vulnerable individuals by collaborating with law enforcement authorities and regulatory bodies. This will help to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place.

In conclusion, despite the fact that the proverb "a sucker is born every minute" may have an element of truth, it is essential to keep in mind that not everyone is susceptible to being taken advantage of by cons and frauds. Helping people become financially literate, informing them about the potential dangers of fraud and cons, and holding con artists accountable for their activities are all effective ways to reduce the number of people who wind up as victims of these kinds of crimes.

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