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Thursday, August 26, 2021

Amway IBOs Ripped Off By Upline?

 Over the course of my Amway and blogging experiences, I've arrived to a decision that I intend to stick to. And this, in my professional view, is a significant flaw in the Amway business potential as a whole. Rich Devos, the owner of Amway, acknowledged the problem in his "directly speaking" audio from 1983, but regrettably, little appears to have been done to address it, and the problem continues to exist today.

The Amway opportunity is one aspect of the problem; the other aspect is the tools and methods. Amway's business opportunity and tool systems have developed a mutually beneficial partnership over the course of many years. It's as if Amway is dependent on the system, and the system is dependent on Amway. What I'm getting at is that Amway provides the chance, and then the system takes use of the opportunity to market itself. Between now and then, the system leaders teach 100 PV, promote product loyalty, and handle the most, if not all, of the new IBO recruitment. A benefit to Amway is that the system teaches PV movement, whether through sales or self consumption. A benefit to system leaders is that they have a captive audience to sell their CDs, books, seminars, voicemail messages, website fees and other products.

When uplines advise their new IBOs that they "need" to attend a given function or that they "need" to use standing order in order to succeed, they are committing a conflict of interest. The upline is wise enough not to state that the system is "required," but they will undoubtedly create a de facto requirement by stating things such as "No one has ever succeeded without the system, but you can try to be the first," or "No one has ever succeeded without the system, but you can try to be the first." They may also state that the system is optional, but success is not. While it is possible for someone to claim that so and such diamond (insert name) is a multimillionaire and that he supports the system, you have the right to disregard his counsel if you believe you are in the know.

It is a larger problem because these upline leaders would claim that without these tools, you will not be able to prosper in your business. At the same time, the more products you purchase, the more money these uplines make. Some Amway apologists would argue that a college lecturer has the right to sell his or her own books to students, which is true. However, this is not the same as the previous situation. A college professor may spend years conducting research in order to produce that one book. He will be imparting his knowledge and skills, which is detailed in the book. There is no one expert directing you when you attend seminars or listen to audio CDs, and there is no clear record on how they achieved success. You have extremely general, generic experiences that have come from a variety of speakers who may or may not have any previous experience with IBOs in common. As a result, these upline leaders will profit from the IBO volume generated by their downline as well as from the tools that they recommend to their downline, regardless of the success or development of their downline in the business.

Consider the following as examples of these unethical behaviours by upline: If your upline actually has "important" knowledge that could assist you in your endeavours, they would make every effort to get that information to you as quickly as possible. Whether it's through voicemail, MP3, YouTube, or whatever else. If they were truly interested in your success, why would they withhold trade secrets? Has it ever occurred to IBOs that their uplines may not be interested in their success? Perhaps this is the reason why you must pay for any advise or support you receive from a third party. Perhaps upline is perfectly content with people coming and going as long as there are tool purchases because there will be no new IBOs (platinums and up) to split the tool profits with if there are no tool sales.

When lucrative uplines advise you to purchase tools, there is an unmistakable conflict of interest at play. You have to decide whether you are going to notice or not.

When you're an Independent Business Owner (IBO) with Amway, it might be discouraging and distressing to get the impression that your upline has taken advantage of you in some way. Even though the majority of uplines are friendly and helpful, there are sadly some people who will use their position of authority for their own benefit by taking advantage of their downline and exploiting them for personal gain.

If you believe that your upline has taken advantage of you in any way, there are a number of actions that you can take to rectify the issue and safeguard yourself, including the following:

Talk to your upline: If you believe that your upline has taken advantage of you in any way, it is imperative that you discuss your concerns with them in person. Make an appointment to speak with your upline in person or over the phone, and be sure to do it in a manner that is both forthright and kind. Provide detailed explanations of the challenges you are having and solicit their cooperation in finding a solution to the problem.

Reach out to other Independent Business Owners in Your Network If you do not feel comfortable speaking with your upline directly, or if you have the impression that they are not sensitive to your issues, reach out to other Independent Business Owners who are part of your network or upline. They could be able to provide you with assistance in the form of counsel or support, or they might help you discover a solution to the issue.

Get in touch with Amway's customer service if you feel as though you've been taken advantage of by your upline. Amway's customer service team is available to provide support if you get in touch with them. They can assist you in filing a complaint and conducting an investigation into the matter, and they may also be able to provide direction for how the problem can be resolved.

Consider getting legal counsel: If you have reason to believe that your upline has taken advantage of you in any way, you might want to investigate the possibility of getting legal counsel. This is especially true if you feel as though you've been deceived or led astray after investing a large amount of money or resources in your Amway business and believe that you've been taken advantage of in some way.

It is essential to keep in mind that despite the fact that getting ripped off by your upline can be exasperating and discouraging, this experience is not representative of the Amway business opportunity as a whole. The majority of uplines are encouraging and helpful, and they really wish for their downlines to be successful. It is essential to place your primary attention on developing positive relationships with helpful uplines and other independent business owners (IBOs), as well as to take measures to safeguard yourself from people who may have nefarious motives.

In conclusion, if your upline has stolen money from you as an Amway Independent Business Owner, the problem can be difficult to handle. However, you can take actions to protect yourself and your business by voicing your concerns, finding support from other Independent Business Owners (IBOs), contacting Amway's customer service staff, and considering legal action if it becomes necessary. As an Amway business owner, you can achieve success and fulfillment if you put your attention and energy toward cultivating relationships with uplines and other IBOs who are supportive of your endeavors and if you maintain your commitment to achieving your goals.

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