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Monday, September 6, 2021

Amway Ambots Thought They Had This Prospect Wrapped Up. Wrong!!!

 Amway meetings were the last thing on my mind until I decided "enough is enough." My first Amway meeting took place just prior to the first large conference of the year. The presenters remind all of the prospective buyers near the end of the meeting that this conference "can transform your life and is well worth your time". Furthermore, when it comes to listening to individuals, it's best to do so up up and personal, so we'd want to arrive early so that we can secure front-row seats. "Unfortunately, no one can explain you what the Matrix is... you have to see it for yourself," says the tagline for The Matrix while they're saying all of this. This Amway convention thing turned out to be along the same lines, and both could've been easily explained, but at the very least, The Matrix was a really good movie, and well worth the $3 ticket I paid at the time.... When I learned that there were no specifications about the job description, I understood that the meeting had been a waste of time. Only thing they do is to inflate your ego and make you feel tremendously good about yourself (and it did work! ), but you soon understand that this sort of wonderful sensation is bordering on CREEPY, and that you are in serious danger and must be vigilant. This meeting was described as such by the "sponsor" who issued me the invitation: it was "an exclusive invitation to this sold-out event," he said. The place was packed, but most of the people there were already Ambots, and honestly, if some jerk had gone up to the door, they would've welcomed him in just as enthusiastically.

After the third meeting, the amway representatives had the audacity to offer something along the lines of "you're going to spend the gas money anyhow, so go to this event." The convention is located 115 kilometres away from the location of the meeting. I was certainly not going to spend 230 miles and $$ on petrol for a standard social event, and if I was going out of town, it was for something far more essential or unimportant than that. I overheard another guy state that he had family obligations that weekend and therefore would not be able to go, so it does not look like I am speaking solely for myself. The fact is, that has really been a fairly common response across the meetings I've attended ;) Oh, and their videos are becoming increasingly bad... one film simply had phrases like "empower" and "success" flash over the screen in rapid succession. That's all there is to it! What a load of nonsense.

Having the ability to deal with rejection is one of the problems that Amway Ambots confront while attempting to recruit new members to their downline. There are instances when things do not go according to plan, despite the fact that they put in their best effort to present the Amway opportunity and create relationships with possible recruits. This can be upsetting and frustrating, especially if the person believed they had a prospect "wrapped up" and ready to join the company but it turns out the prospect is not interested.

Adding a new person to an Amway Ambot's downline is often a multi-step procedure that they go through in order to accomplish their goals. They begin by locating a possible new member, who may be a friend, a member of the family, or a casual acquaintance. After that, they make contact with that individual in order to present them with information regarding the Amway business and the items. They might have a dialogue with them about the business potential, or they might invite them to a meeting, webinar, or other event. Alternatively, they might just have a talk with them about the business possibility.

Amway Ambots will often continue to create a relationship with the possible recruit, answer their questions, and offer them with further information about the business if the potential recruit indicates interest in joining the company. They may also make the offer to serve as a mentor to them and provide assistance as they launch their own Amway firm.

However, even if everything seems to be going well, there is no assurance that the potential recruit will in fact join the business. This is because there is no guarantee that everything will go well. They might have doubts about the legality of the company or the likelihood of being successful. On the other hand, they might just come to the conclusion that this opportunity is not the best fit for them at this moment.

Amway Ambots might be caught off guard in some situations, such as when a prospective recruit they believed to be "wrapped up" abruptly changes their mind about joining the company. This can be an especially painful experience for them if they have put a significant amount of time and effort into cultivating a relationship with the other person in question.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that being turned down is a natural and expected component of the recruitment process at any company, not only Amway. Amway Ambots should avoid taking criticism personally and instead view it as an opportunity to grow as a leader and refine their approach rather than as a personal attack. They are able to inquire of the prospective employee as to the reasons why they chose not to join the company, and then make use of the information obtained to hone their sales pitch and answer any worries that may be held by other individuals.

Amway Ambots can also put their attention toward constructing a robust network of individuals who share their passion for the business and are willing to offer support and encouragement. They can construct a prosperous and long-lasting downline for themselves by cultivating relationships with individuals who have a genuine interest in the Amway opportunity. This will allow them to realize their objectives more quickly and effectively.

In conclusion, although it might be disheartening for Amway Ambots when a potential recruit who seems "wrapped up" in their decision suddenly changes their mind, it is essential for them to keep in mind that rejection is a natural and expected part of the recruitment process. They can establish an Amway business that is prosperous and long-lasting over time if they place a premium on cultivating relationships with people who have similar values and consistently work to improve their methodology.

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