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Monday, September 6, 2021

Another Kid Tells Us About Having Ambot Parents

 Here's even more reason why people who join Amway should first have their children taken away by the state, since otherwise they'll up up disregarding their responsibilities. Amway ambots turn out to be terrible children's parents. The message the child receives is that their parents are more interested in a box of laundry soap than they are, that they are more interested in the assholes in their Amway upline than they are, and that they are more interested in this cult of greed than they are.

Years of my life with my family were taken by this horseshit, and I'm hoping that the points I can make (for which I'll be prepared with statistics) will prevent others from going through what I went through. I was about 9 to 15 years old at the time of my parents' involvement, and I recall their organisation hosting seminars and rallies for children as well. "When you're invited to a friend's birthday celebration, you should decline so that your parents don't have to pay for a gift and can use the money for the business," they would advise you in this place. CULT. CULT. CULT. CULT. CULT. CULT.

Currently, I am 27 years old. I was approached by an IBO when I was 19 years old, but I was too shy to provide a suitable response, so I politely declined. I am certain that I will be approached one of these days, and I feel sorry for their upper management, who will have to undergo a questioning and humiliation as a result of my actions.

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