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Monday, September 6, 2021

To The Amway Ambot From Tijuana Mexico

 I'm not sure if it's because of a language barrier, but you appear to understand enough English to post a comment in it, which indicates to me that you have most likely figured out that this site is written in English.

Most people who read this blog are unaware that it is mostly intended to cuss out the fucking asses in my Amway upline, and because my upline is also everyone's upline, everyone gets to participate in the fun. The same deception. Assholes of varying sizes and shapes.

This blog is neither published or read by people who are enthusiastic about Amway the company, its goods, or its people. To put it another way: Anyone in their life who is in love with any of those people is not reading this site unless they are badly messed in the head and suffering from severe psychological and mental difficulties. The reason why people don't read things like this that are contrary to their beliefs is that it makes them angry. Do you go about every day reading things that you know are going to make you angry? I certainly don't, and I'm not the only one. However, I do not suffer from any significant mental illnesses. If you believe this blog is all about Amway and how wonderful it is, you are completely mistaken. Alternatively, you could be seriously messed in the head.

The people who read my blog and leave comments used to work for Amway and are eager to share their experiences with others in order to prevent others from making the same mistakes they did. Among other things, we talk about the shoddy, costly Amway products, the lies we've heard, and wasting time at pointless Amway events. Every now and then, friends and family members of ambots come to us to tell us what is happening to their indoctrinated relatives.

Every now and again, I receive a visit from a bunch of dumb asses Amway ambots that leave comments. Usually something along the lines of "I'm a quitter, I'm a loser, I didn't try hard enough, I'm lazy, I'm obese, I have a job, I'm unattractive, I'm broke, I'm negative, I'm a dream stealer, I'm an unsupportive wife, etc.," but it might be anything. Those stupid ambots think they're so creative, but they're not!!! There were numerous occasions when I heard that nonsense from the stage and from the fucking morons in our Amway upline. This is the essence of what it means to be an Amway representative. Putting down and demeaning other people if they do not join in Amway's marketing programme. When the reality is that they come across as a bunch of awful insensitive arrogant fuckers, it is this that gives them the impression that they are important big shots.

That is exactly what we are here to discuss. Amway is a bunch of dicks. And to turn the tables on those Amway fuckers, to belittle them, and to portray them as the apathetic bastards that they truly are.

You keep popping up here and leaving comments with a link to a YouTube video of some person in a suit trying to be a big shot, as if you think we'd be interested in watching one of these videos. In Colombia, there is an Amway ambot who is living the Diamond lifestyle. Do you want to do it more than once? Think about it: how many times do you think readers of this site want to hear about some Amway jackass who isn't even fluent in English, which is the language in which this blog is written? He might claim to be free because of Amway, have no employment because of Amway, and have billions of money flowing into his account each month simply because he puts on a suit and stands on a sidewalk and jabbers about it does not make it true. That jerk needs to brush up on his video production skills! Mansions, sports cars, and other toys are a common sight outside Diamonds' homes, which they believe will make their downline envy or that they can have it all as well if they continue in Amway for 2 to 5 years. Standing on a street corner in a third world country shouting about your riches but with no show and tell doesn't make too many people I know envious and wish to live that lifestyle, as I've found out from experience. They believe you to be a liar and a cretin!

I mean, what the fuck are you doing here and why do you keep coming back? I understand that there aren't any blogs for people who are more passionate about Amway than they are for their families, but you're looking in the wrong place. Those that are involved with Amway are too humiliated to admit that they are involved with Amway, and they are certainly not going to put up a website stating that they are involved with Amway since everyone will laugh at them for being such dumb bastards for joining up with Amway. People who are enthusiastic about Amway products and who are enthusiastic about their Amway upline are unlikely to visit my blog unless they are a bunch of dumb fucks. Reading a blog on a subject that is diametrically opposed to your personal beliefs would require you to be really deranged. In other words, you won't find me wandering around looking for webpages authored by people affiliated with political parties other than the one I support because it would irritate me and isn't good for my mental health. No, I don't read any of these websites, and I certainly don't go about posting comments in an attempt to persuade others to adopt my point of view. This is due to the fact that I do not suffer from a significant mental illness and I do not intentionally annoy others who hold contrary viewpoints. Websites that are of no interest to me are avoided at all costs. That's exactly what normal, rational people do. Normal individuals do not read about topics that they do not agree with or that will only serve to irritate them.

As seen by your continued patronage of the fucked up brainwashed Amway ambot bastards, they are not that bad.

This site is not read by people who are enthusiastic about Amway, and the people who do read this blog are not going to watch dumb ass YouTube videos of some Amway ambot dressing up and pretending to be someone else, or speaking in a language that is not geared at the major audience of this blog. You need to discover like-minded bloggers and folks who aren't publishing in places where people don't give a flying fuck about your business.

Try to figure it out! Your chances of making it across the border and past the first parking lot in Chula Vista before border patrol apprehends you are significantly better than your chances of generating any money in Amway!

In response to the Amway Ambot calling from Tijuana, Mexico,

I pray that you are enjoying excellent health and an upbeat disposition as you read this letter. I've been thinking a lot about the fact that we both had similar experiences with Amway, and I wanted to reach out to you and share some of my thoughts and views with you. Even if our lives have taken different turns, the memories we made together and the things we discovered thanks to our time spent together will forever have a significant impact on who I am.

Our adventure as Amway Ambots took place against the backdrop of Tijuana, Mexico, with its lively culture and rich history serving as the backdrop. We started this business together because we have a common faith in the transformative potential of entrepreneurship, the value of self-improvement, and the possibility of achieving financial freedom. Our shared aspiration to improve not only our own lives but also the lives of those who are closest to us was the driving force behind our dogged perseverance and unwavering commitment to establishing profitable enterprises of our own.

The Amway business model provided us with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to become independent business owners and to generate revenue via the sale of products of the highest possible quality. We went to a large number of training sessions, seminars, and conferences, where we were inspired by eloquent speakers and influential businesspeople who related their experiences of success and affluence. Their comments served as a source of motivation for us, and we looked up to them as a model to emulate.

Together, we began the process of expanding our networks and adding new members to our group. We made a concerted effort to talk to our close friends and family members, as well as acquaintances, in the vain hope of igniting the same fire of enthusiasm that had led us to join Amway. In an effort to broaden our consumer base and cultivate our downline, we held product demonstrations, home parties, and coffee meetups, all of which were in the form of social events.

There were times of victory and excitement when we celebrated new sales, attained higher rankings within the business, and witnessed the success stories of our team members. These were all moments that brought us closer together. We felt a strong sense of community and support within the Amway organization, and we took great joy in it. We were a member of a movement that was bigger than ourselves, one that sought to emancipate individuals and leave a legacy of prosperity. This movement was something we were a part of.

But in addition to the victories, there were also difficulties and failures. Skepticism, resistance, and outright rejection were some of the reactions we got. Not everyone believed in the possibilities that Amway presented or shared our vision for the company. Skeptics referred to us as "Amway bots" or wrote off our efforts as nothing more than pyramid schemes, both of which were criticisms that we received. We had to train ourselves to be resilient in the face of challenges and to have unyielding faith in both ourselves and the line of work that we had decided to pursue.

The more time passed, the more our lives began to take different directions, and we each arrived at our own conclusions regarding our futures with Amway. Some of us were able to achieve our goals of becoming financially independent and leading the lives we had always dreamed of living. Others were unable to overcome their setbacks and instead chose to pursue other endeavors. No of what happens at the end of our journey, I think that all of us have grown in both strength and wisdom because we took it together.

When I think back on my time with Amway, I see that it was much more than just a commercial opportunity. It acted as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery, as well as the development of essential abilities such as communication, leadership, and resilience in individuals. The experiences we had while serving as Amway Ambots have left an indelible mark on our life and continue to guide the decisions we make.

As I think back on all that we went through together, I am overwhelmed with appreciation for the friendships that were formed and the memories that were made throughout our time together. Tijuana, Mexico, which served as the setting for this period in both of our lives, will forever have a unique and significant significance for both of us. The talks we had, the locations we frequented, and the streets we traversed together are all woven into the tapestry of our common narrative.

To the Amway Ambot that hails from Tijuana, Mexico, please accept my sincere best wishes for unending prosperity and contentment, wherever the winding road of life may have carried you. I hope that this adventure brings you plenty of opportunities for development and joy. And may the wisdom that we gained through working together continue to direct and motivate us in all that we do in the years to come.

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